Young Driver Give Away Worth £239.80
Hi I’ve got four 1 hour Young Drivers certificates worth £239.80 for anyone from the age of 11 upwards. You can book in at least 27 different places around the country. Each voucher is worth £59.95, so a very nice treat!
These would be a lovely reward for someone going in to senior school, got good grades in their SATs, done well in their GCSE, although I know the results aren’t out yet, for that if they have done their best and you think they deserve a treat then this a great way to treat them, maybe they are turning into a teenager, what better way to make them feel grown up than giving them driving lessons.
“Young Driver is a road safety revolution”. Quentin Willson
More can be seen on this Youtube link Young Driver on ITV Tonight Programme
You can’t get a driving licence in the UK until you’re 17 but now, thanks to Young Driver, if you’re 11 or over, you can learn to drive at one of our UK centres.
Research shows that it is a lack of driving experience – not a lack of years on the planet – that causes 1 in 5 newly qualified drivers to crash within 6 months of passing their test. Something had to be done to reduce this frightening statistic – and so we started Young Driver!
Are you over 11 and 1.42M/4ft 8″?

I won them in a competition and was going to give them my nephew but he’s gone away for the summer, so don’t want them to go to waste and decided to make them our first give away on our new blog.
The four vouchers have to be used by the end of this month, so please don’t enter if you cannot use them.
To win these four 1 hour lessons you must
A) Make a comment about who would use these driving lessons if you won. Your email will not be shown.
B) Share on Facebook. Leave a comment telling us you have done this and us Facebook name. (You can do this daily but please leave a comment each time with your Facebook name).
Optional, but please support us but doing them and earning yourself extra chances to win
C) “I’ve enter to win 4 x 1hr Young Driver driving lessons from @FamilyClanBlog you can enter too! ” Leave a comment telling us you have done this and your Twitter name. (You can do this daily but please leave a comment each time with your Twitter name)
D) Follow @FamilyClan on Twitter. Leave a comment telling us you have done this.
E) Follow Family Clan on Bloglovin’ . Leave a comment telling us you have done this and us Bloglovin’ name.
F) Follow us on Pinterest . Leave a comment telling us you have done this and us Pinterest name.
This competition will end on on Friday 16th August 2013 at 9:30pm Entries made after this date will not be counted.
We will check that you have done as you have said, so no cheating now and good luck. Our decision is final and will be done fairly.
Have you seen our giveaways? Just head to our giveaway page to see the list of prizes.
Nanna Jane
i would love this for my 14 yr old son 🙂 shared on facebook and tweeted @mandycrxx
I have tweeted my entry to the giveaway. Many Thanks
Tweeted again, fingers crossed.
For my son joshua, he starts home schooling in September for secondary education wnd want him to start on a great note. This would be fab. Shared on Facebook. X
Followed on pinterest victoria thurgood
followed Bloglovin victoria thurgood
I’m following you 🙂