Untamed Ferocious Fingerlings at your Fingertips
You may well heard of Fingerlings, they were one of the biggest hits last year for Christmas and all the crazy parents were trying to get their hands on them for their children but they were out of stock everywhere, yes that was me, a crazy parent trying to buy the most wanted toy, but failed as everywhere was sold out.
Well they are back with the new range of Untamed – Ferocious, a pet dinosaur at your fingertips, literally!
Jake and Grace got really excited when they seen these, and instantly chose their dinosaur they wanted, there was no hanging around they were open and played with in no time. Each Untamed Raptor have their own name we have Stealth and Razor, already fierce names to go along with the raptor personalities.
The Untamed Fingerling’s have sensors on its nose and head and the raptor has 2 play modes, Tamed & Untamed, depending on the mode in play, the same actions get different reactions!
In the Tamed mode your Fingerling is your friendly companion, in untamed mode the beast is unleashed! Your Untamed Fingerling will become ferocious. There are no button to change the settings, you to do this by poking the Fingerlings nose three times, hang it upside down or even by shaking it to put it into Untamed mode.
To go back to the Tamed mode just stroke its head starting at the nose and ending at the back of its head in this mode they nuzzle, purr and love to be near you.
The Untamed Raptor can be fierce and unpredictable and know friends vs foes. Your raptor will roar, hiss and chomp. Are you brave enough to handle them?
Complete with snapping jaws and gripping claws, these interactive dinos react to touch, motion and sound, just pop them onto your finger and off you play.
Our Thoughts
Grace and Jake have really enjoyed these, and took them to school with them to scare their teachers! suitable for ages 5+ with over 40 different sounds and animations the Untamed Raptors launched this spring for £16.99 and the new Untamed cage playset has been released this month RRP £24.99 they really are fantastic, and I can see why Fingerlings was a sell out last year. You can purchase them from Amazon and all good toy stockists.
They are really great fun and would be perfect for the fast approaching festive season to place under the tree.
Mummy H, Jake & Grace
WowWee who make the Untamed Fingerlings have kindly given us another Untamed T-Rex to give away. If you would like a chance to win, just enter the rafflecopter giveaway form below.
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Giveaway Ends Midnight Sunday 25th November 2018.
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The mandatory question is “Make up a dinosaur name and tell us about it?”
Note: You may receive a different colour than shown
A Nicoleasaurus after my two year old granddaughter, strong and a force to be reckoned with
I’d name it something girly like Rosie or Vienna
Lazysaurus after me, my daughter and my whole family! 😉 We likes being lazy!
Noisysaurus in honour of my two boys who can stomp loudly and cause chaos where ever they go!