Today is 24th August National Pluto Demoted Day

Pluto Demoted

I’ve decided to honour National Day’s Not Saints days or but all the odd, weird, funny National Days we hear about on the web.

So today is #NationalDay that saw the Pluto demoted from a planet to a dwarf planet.

Pluto's Story
Pluto’s Story

Like most people I have a passing interest in space & the solar system, (yes I also watch Star Trek too,) & when I was at school we learned that Pluto was a planet. The rhymes I remember using is

  • My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets
  • My Very Evil Mummy Just Sat Upon Nathan’s Potty
  • My Very Educated Mother Just Saved Us Nine pence

Now of course it must be something different & according to Google one of the most popular is

  • My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nacho’s

Very on trend mentioning Nacho’s. I think it’s sad that Pluto is no longer a recognised planet, as even though it’s small or dwarf, it is still called one. To me it is similar as saying that a human dwarf is not a person, of a Bonsai tree isn’t a real tree – of course they are,  why can’t Pluto be left alone.

What do you think of this matter?  Are you a Trekkie?

Have you entered our competition yet? What are you waiting, for as it ends very  soon. Competition

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National Tooth Fairy Day

National Senior Citizen’s Day

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2 Thoughts to “Today is 24th August National Pluto Demoted Day”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Another new fact for me
    My neices are loving me telling all about your special days

    1. Nanna-Jane

      Glad you are enjoying them. I love all weird facts, but can never remember them when I need to! Jane x

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