Giveaway: The Boy with his Head Stuck in a Book 3 Winners

The Boy with his Head Stuck in a Book

With kids increasingly turning away from books and toward their tablets and smartphones, Zappar has provided a solution – marrying the two with its latest book launch: The Boy With His Head Stuck In A Book.
The Boy With His Head Stuck In A Book is an augmented reality book for children aged 7-11, written by a primary English teacher who noticed that disengaged students were more inclined to pick up a book with a technological element, bridging literature and digital media.

This 28 page paperback book, features interactive pages throughout bringing the story to life as you read, which makes it so much more appealing for children, especially for the children that aren’t to interested in books, this one will be sure to appeal them too!

Boy with his head stuck in a book Zappa Book Review Family Clan

This is a book to inspire a love of books!

“An ordinary boy is dragged to the library one mundane Saturday afternoon, much to his dismay; there are a million other things he’d rather be doing! Glumly traipsing up and down the aisles, he comes across an ancient, mysterious book with a mind of its own, and when his head becomes trapped within the pages, he is catapulted into a magical world filled with dinosaurs, dragons, pirates and ghosts…”

All you need to do to make this book come to life, it download the free Zappar App, and scan the pages as you go which will bring them to life. It is as simple as that!

Boy with his head stuck in a book Zappa book review Family Clan

We absolutely love the idea of a interactive book, making the story come to life! I also like that as you tilt your device, the interactive image turns to be more 3D looking effect.

Boy with his head stuck in a book Zappa book review Family Clan


Jake and Graces’ favourite page out of the book is this one, they love how the little man at the bottom of the page clings on, and then comes through a little tear in the page and into the book. What a fun way to keep the book even more interesting! They have loved this book and have read it over and over again! What’s not to love? Your children’s’ imagination already comes to life when they read a book, this is a new way of bringing a book to life too!

Boy with his head stuck in a book Zappa book review Family ClanBoy with his head stuck in a book Zappa book review Family Clan

As a mother of two, I read with my children all the time, I believe reading books to your children to be very important to their development, and also now Jake is older, he reads his stories from school to me and he is doing really well.

The Boy With His Head Stuck In A Book is a clever stocking filler: Interactive educational book for just £5.99 which is available on Amazon here.

We reviewed another book in this range called Zappar, The Adventure Suit Book, you can read that review here.

Mummy H, Jake and Grace


We have kindly been given three books to give away. These would make wonderful presents or dare I say stocking fillers. Three Winners

If you would like a chance to win, then enter our Rafflecopter below!

We really do appreciate & personally read every single comment that you leave us. It means a lot to us that you take the time to interact with us, so please continue to do so.

The mandatory question must be answered in the “Leave a comment here” box at the bottom of this page to make any further entries valid. No answer means no win! Please try to use 8 words or more in your comment.

Ends Midnight Sunday 30th September

If you’re not sure about Rafflecopter, go to our How to Use Rafflecopter page for more information.

Don’t forget to check out our other giveaways.

Question is “What book character would you like to come to life & why?”

a Rafflecopter giveaway


68 Thoughts to “Giveaway: The Boy with his Head Stuck in a Book 3 Winners”

  1. Heli L

    Elizabeth Bennet. Obviously so that I’d meet the hansom Mr Darcy! And live happily ever after!

  2. Caitlin

    Willy wonka his funny and would love to visit the chocolate factory

  3. Kirsteen Mackay

    I’d love Lucie Goose to come to life, my son and I would love to meet her as she is not scared of anything.

  4. Tammy Neal

    Miss honey from matilda she is lovely x

  5. Lia Burns

    Miss honey from Matilda because she is lovely, I’d love to have a chat with her and a cuppa

  6. Laura Pritchard

    I’d love Becky Sharp to come to life as she would make me laugh and amuse me!

  7. bex allum

    I’d love The Grinch to come alive! He is fabulous and I would love to see some of my crazy Christmas loving friends react to his ways….. it is not time to talk about Christmas yet…… maybe I am the grinch….

  8. Maria Jane Knight 🐣 (@mariajkknight)

    Willy Wonka….as crazy as he is, i would love to visit his chocolate factory!

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