The Alphabet Project – H is for Hands

I’ve decided to join with lots of other bloggers in this Alphabet Photography Project started by a fellow blogger PODcastdove . It’s a great chance to use photo’s in our collection & also broaden our photography mind.

I’ve missed the first few weeks so I’m a late starter with H but I love this photo of my grandson Jake & his nine month old sister Grace.

#AlphabetProject H is for Hands Jake & Grace first disco
             Jake & Grace first school disco 4th July 2014

They are going to Jake’s first school disco & he picked out Grace’s party dress for her to wear. Don’t they look so lovely holding hands.  If you  have read any of my other posts on these two Munchkins then you will know Jake is a really excellent big brother, always caring for her & making sure she is “all good”.

Nanna Jane

Have you seen our giveaways? Just head to our giveaway page to see the list of prizes.

6 Thoughts to “The Alphabet Project – H is for Hands”

  1. Mary Loo

    Thank you. Good idea.

  2. Tofana

    Very interesting, thank you.

  3. Martina Evans

    Such a Lovely photo! x

  4. Maya Russell

    I think they will grow up together very close. It’s really nice.

  5. K Alman

    pictures are such a great way to document and later remember important times in our lives, especially the development of children over the years. My folks lost the photo albums from around when I was 10-11 years on, so there are only a few misc. photos from those years. I love that with digital photography and social media that it is easier not to lose the memories as it was for my folks to lose the photo albums during one of their moves.

    1. admin

      These two Munchkins are probably the most photographed children that are not celebs! Mummy H is always taking photo’s of them, which I love, not seeing them very often photos & Skype are very important to us. Thanks for entering our competition.

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