These two little Munchkins recently celebrated their birthdays, Jake is now a big six & Grace is three. Nanna Jane & Granddad Al came over for a few day &
Tag: Sunday Snap. #SundaySnap
Sunday Snap 2nd October 2016
Granddad Al, Jake & Grace having fun with Jake’s Thomas the Tank Engine Track he got for his 6th birthday last Monday. Not sure who had more fun! Nanna Jane
Sunday Snap 18th September 2016
Here is Olivia with a sign she made to cheer her Mummy on when she was doing a half marathon in Bolton. I think it will have helped Mummy M
Sunday Snap 4th September 2016
Jake and Grace found this caterpillar and decided to make a bed for it. They loved how furry he felt. They where very gentle with him. We decided after a
Sunday Snap 28th August 2016
We had a day out and visited Beamish Museum this week, more about it later, but Jake and Grace thought this looked like it should have been on the Island
Sunday Snap 21st August 2016
Grace loved the diving and decided to copy them doing rolly pollies and twirling around. I managed to get this shot of her whilst watching the diving competition in the
Sunday Snap 11th September 2016
Jake found a newspaper on the bus coming home from soft play, he was so pleased at being able to read some of the words. He felt very grown up.
Sunday Snap 7th August 2016
Here is Olivia looking for treasure on Blackpool Prom. She later found a yummy ice cream with her name on it! Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be
Sunday Snap 31st July 2016
We had great fun being creative and making masks the other day. Grace decided she looks “very pretty” with her pink hair. She looked so cute I just had to