Yesterday we had a good layering of snow come across the North East, and well I won ‘mam points’ after school when I picked Jake and Grace up from school
Tag: snow
Sunday Snap 4th March 2018 School Closed!
Well the late into this last week with the “Beast from the East” hitting us hard.. Jake and Grace’s school closed. So what else was we meant to do but
Playing in the Snow
Playing in the Snow Like most of you, we have been hit with a blanket of white today. It looks so pretty from the window looking out, but when you
Sunday Snap 21st January 2018
Grace had great fun walking in the snow to Nursery this week. Because she is a Princess she could make all the snow sparkle like Elsa from the Frozen animated
Happy 2nd Birthday to Arron
Happy 2nd Birthday to Arron Can’t believe our big boy is going to be two today! It has gone so fast. He’s really developed a loving character, always caring for
Sunday Snap 3rd December 2017
On Thursday of this week we had a bitter cold day and lots of fluffy white snow. I know it looks really pretty but why did it have to pick
Sunday Snap 13th December 2015
We finally had snow yesterday! The kids loved making their snowman which stood on a skateboard! Mummy H