Homeward Bound by Richard Smith There will be no spoilers in this book review, as I, personally, hate it when I read a review an they give way the ending.
Tag: Book
Ozeri Kandle Flexi Book & Kindle Reading Light
Ozeri Kandle Flex Book Light The Kandle Flex is just a perfect book light, yes it can be used on a Kindle / eReaders but I do love just sitting
Giveaway: The Boy with his Head Stuck in a Book 3 Winners
The Boy with his Head Stuck in a Book With kids increasingly turning away from books and toward their tablets and smartphones, Zappar has provided a solution – marrying the
Christmas Eve Box – Helpful Guide
Christmas Eve boxes are a growing trend, that us at Family Clan especially love to get involved with every year. Jake and Grace absolutely adore their boxes they get every
The Boy With His Head Stuck In A Book
The Boy With His Head Stuck In A Book With kids increasingly turning away from books and toward their tablets and smartphones, Zappar has provided a solution – marrying the
Back to School with Gel-a-Peel! Jake’s History Book
Let’s Go Back to School with Gel-a-Peel! Making Jake’s History Book Gel-a-Peel are great sets to have to decorate personal items and to make your very own jewellery! We have been
You Are Invited to the Scarecrows’ Wedding
The Scarecrows’ Wedding Betty O’Barley and Harry O’Hay invite you to . . . The best wedding ever, the best wedding yet, The wedding that no one will ever forget.
Giveaway: Zappar, The Adventure Suit Book
Zappar The Adventure Suit Book We have received a The Adventure Suit: A Zappar Powered Interactive Book to review. The book is small hardbacked square sized book. Easy for little hands
Win A Personalised Father’s Day Daddy Book
My Daddy Book Perfect for Father’s Day We have been asked to create and review a personalised ” My Daddy ” book by the lovely people at Love2Read focusing on Fathers