Sunday Snap 29th October 2017

Don’t forget to change you clock an hour backward this morning if you didn’t do it last night

Mummy H took this picture last night in her garden. So lovely and hopefully means a nice day tomorrow. We had a busy half term for Jake & Grace, they popped over the Pennines to visit Nanna & Granddad in Lancashire for a few days which was a lovely surprise for us.

Now we are all getting ready for Halloween! Hope you all have a spooky night, with lots of treats and no tricks.

Sunday Snap 29th October 2017 Family Clan

Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.

5 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 29th October 2017”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    This year will be so different – one things for sure we” ll still have spectacular sunsets

  2. Kayleigh Watkins

    Absolutely beautiful photo, the clocks changing has put 7 month old Mollie out of her routine but were getting there now xXx

  3. KT

    wow, stunning colours.

  4. Naila M

    I’m excited about Halloween too, hoping to get loads of nice treats 🙂

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    I didn’t see this
    Great photo
    Hope you get loads of treats too

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