Sunday Snap 29th December 2019 – To End the Year

Mummy H has just took this photo from her window and it seems a perfect one to end 2019. Looking forward to a bright new year ahead.

2019 brought about a lot of life changes for Family Clan members,  two new houses, new faces and new loves.

Anticipating more adventures, no doubt new members and looking forward to the future in 2020.  The fresh start in a whole new decade.

Sunday Snap 29th December 2019 Family Clan

Do you have any plans for 2020? What ever you do in this next decade all at Family Clan wish you lots of love and laughter along the way.

5 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 29th December 2019 – To End the Year”

  1. Lyndsey cooksey

    Beautiful photos,. We’ve been getting these lately at this time of year!

  2. Margaret Gallagher

    We’re having the same sunsets even though its JULY !

  3. Anthea Holloway

    What a beautiful picture and such a super one to end the year – no gloom and doom here!

  4. Katie Robertson

    Amazing picture. I don’t have any plans for this year yet.

  5. Susan B

    A perfect picture to end 2019 on the themes of dreams and plans.
    Having a holiday and cracking on with decorating are on mine.

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