Our big Princess Olivia turned five yesterday. Had a lovely day with just her Mum & Dad spoiling her. Today she’s having a party with 20 of her friends from school etc, then later in the day Grand Dad Al and I will join her other grand parents (she has 3 sets) fora BBQ and more presents back at her house.
Very spoiled but a well earned spoiling for our Princess.
Happy Birthday Darling from us all. xx
Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.
Nice article!
Ah enjoy! They grow so fast.I expect your own Mom and Gran tell you that. We are on to Grandchildren now so smiling. Our Sunday snap was our eldest, his wife and our new Grandson around today. Your daughter is so pretty and cute
Happy Birthday! Beautiful photo, she’s adorable!
Happy birthday for yesterday Olivia, my Megan turned 5 on the 14th. Although she tells everyone she’s now 7 ?
Happy Birthday
Have a wonderful day
Thank you Margaret. x
Happy birthday! Lovely photo
Thank you Ashleigh