Sunday Snap 25th September 2016

14458946_10157475552620023_505366569_nWe attended a family fun day out in our local park
This is a picture of Jake who was very eager to hold a snake.

Not to mention at the end of our visit he went back and even asked for a hold of this one!

Mummy H

Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.

7 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 25th September 2016”

  1. Stevie

    There’s no way you’d get me near that snake.

  2. RachelSwirl

    He is sooo brave, I wouldnt dare hold a snake.

  3. Emily Gillings

    I’d never be brave enough to hold a snake around my neck!

  4. Rich Tyler

    Jake’s more of a man then i am! I hate snakes! lol

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    Which park did you go to
    Not seen these type of events in our area

    1. Mummy H

      It was at our local park in our village here. There is a community group who raised money for months to give the local children a free day in the summer holidays. They had lots of bouncy castles, animals, face painting, body painting and a giant wipe out inflatable. All for free for the kids, was a lovely time and even better with it being on our door step! Mummy H x

  6. Margaret Gallagher

    Beautiful photo
    Don’t think I’m brave enough for this
    Well done jake

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