Sunday Snap 21st April 2019

This week Daddy J and his scooter club friends have been really busy delivering Easter Eggs to various charities!

They have all been gathering Easter Eggs together to deliver to St Oswald’s Hospice and Children North East charities. Daddy J has managed to collect over 150 Easter Eggs alone from his NHS work colleagues, and the total from his scooter group over 450 eggs were collected along with £125 cash!

What a fabulous effort, and they were all very much welcomed and appreciated!

Here is cheeky Grace with the large selection of the ones we collected!

Easter Eggs by Family Clan

Mummy H

Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous or just fun during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.

15 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 21st April 2019”

  1. David

    Hi oh good job I’m sure you would have made a lot of families very happy.

  2. Chloe Taylor

    Good for you – some families would of been very grateful for your gesture , love an easter egg x

  3. Sandy Ralph

    thats amazing , well done guys

  4. Emma Walton

    What a wonderfully kind thing to do! Unfortunately, I am on a sugar ban and therefore am not allowed any chocolate…please feel free to sympathise with me as I am suffering chocolate withdrawal!

  5. fionajk42

    That is a lot of Easter eggs! Great work, I’m sure it is appreciated by the recipients.

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