Sunday Snap 17th September 2017

Jake wanted to paint my nails so I thought I’d let him do my toes. He did a great job!

I might have to get him to help me in the future.

Mummy H

Jake painting Mummy H's nails for her Sunday Snap 17th September 2017

Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.

6 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 17th September 2017”

  1. Kayleigh Watkins

    Aww bless him, my Megan would make a right mess if I let her do mine xXx

  2. Sidrah Ahmed

    Thats wonderful even my daughter wants to do my nails

  3. Carol Oddy

    My son is away from home now so I could not allow him to paint my nails.

  4. Ashleigh Allan

    My daughter used to love doing this 😀 enjoy your Sunday

  5. Margaret gallagher

    Good for Joe!
    Do you think he’ll do mine too!
    Beautiful photo

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