Sunday Snap 16th December 2018

Well this week, we had school play!

Jake and Grace did fantastic in both of their plays!

Sunday Snaps are just that, snaps, they will never be high quality framed shots, they are just capturing a moment of time or something that has been momentous or just fun during the previous week in the life of a Family Clan member.

7 Thoughts to “Sunday Snap 16th December 2018”

  1. Susie Wilkinson

    The quick snaps are usually the best, more natural and real

  2. Margaret Gallagher

    Well done to you both – wishing you all A very MERRY Christmas xx love joy and happiness

  3. Susan B

    Such lovely smiles. It looks as though they enjoyed their plays.

  4. kelly wheelhouse

    how sweet! I love seeing the little ones in their festive wear at this time of year 😊

  5. ashleigh allan

    Lovely photos – nice and happy at Christmas time 🙂

  6. Bev Moshi

    haha such big grins!

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