This week, Logan has his very first wobbly tooth!
To say he is excited is an understatement, he is super super excited about this! I’m sure it’ll still be some time before it comes out, but he is so excited for it to do so.
Mummy E
PR Friendly Family Blog
This week, Logan has his very first wobbly tooth!
To say he is excited is an understatement, he is super super excited about this! I’m sure it’ll still be some time before it comes out, but he is so excited for it to do so.
Mummy E
Aw, that’s always exciting! And it’s lovely reaching milestones like this.
How cute. What does a tooth cost the tooth fairy now a days?
Was £1 for Jake, but with this being Logan’s first I wonder what the tooth fairy will bring!
Happy days – can’t help but smile too – so cute
Oh, bless him. I hope the tooth fairy visits when the tooth finally comes out.