Remember to Change You Clocks
Well today British Summer Time officially starts, so the long summer days, with nights sat outside at night are not too far away.
Nanna Jane
Photo credit: Mike Licht, via VisualHunt / CC BY
PR Friendly Family Blog
Well today British Summer Time officially starts, so the long summer days, with nights sat outside at night are not too far away.
Nanna Jane
Photo credit: Mike Licht, via VisualHunt / CC BY
That’s an easy way to remember
Always get muddled up
Love the lighter nights, but miss my hours sleep on the night!!
so glad clocks have now changed x love the lighter mornings/nights x
I always forget! But this year we finally remembered lol.
I remembered this year. Thankful for all the technological devices that sort the time themselves. However I was supposed to be meeting my parents. Who completely forgot about the clock change.
Oh dear! Hopefully you was meeting somewhere where you could get a drink or something whilst you waited. Jane x
Sooo thankful for lighter evenings! Bring on the Summer!
I can’t wait to sit out in the back garden in an evening, before the midges come & bite me! Jane x
Looking forward to longer days 🙂
Thankfully I actually remembered this year, I’m one who often forgets & end up running late & early for the days appointments!