Stoptober did it for me! I hope reading this it will give you an understanding of smokers & if you are one then take the challenge.
I have stopped smoking for 2 years now, 5th October 2014, I am so happy to declare and here is my Stoptober story.
I’m 55 years old, smoked 1 a day aged 13-16 sneaky one in bathroom. 16th Birthday my Dad announces no need to hide any more its legal, now on 10 a day at college as allowed to smoke in common room, how cool was that!. Started working in an office with another smoker, we were allowed to smoke at our desks therefore went to 20 a day. Makes me glad smoking is not tolerated so much these days, maybe my story would have been different if banned everywhere.
Don’t get me wrong, I really liked smoking, the flavour, the relaxed feeling with each inhale/exhale, I still like the smell of someone else smoking, but not stale smoke .
I have tried to quit numerous times during the last 20 years, mostly due to expense and when you realise it is a filthy habit.
When I tried without any substitute, I cried and cried, I think people usually get angry, but oh the wind blew, I cried.
Next time with Nicorette gum, my jaws ached awful, tasted disgusting, lasted a week but when I need more gum it was £11, cigarettes were £4, so you guessed it, no contest the cigarettes won again.
Tried inhaler, just did not cut it, felt embarrassed to use and really was a waste of time.
Patches – they were great, never craved a smoke at all, had really vivid dreams I loved in colour!
Finished the course, went to get more, but due to heart palpitations doctor advised me not to use, then I craved a smoke and started again after 6 weeks I really thought I had done it.
Tablets, heard so many positive comments, had to go to a clinic and be monitored, my craving for a cigarette did not stop, the adviser comment was “oh your one of those” meaning I would always crave, so much for that.
Now I had a constant cough, not had a decent nights sleep for years, had chest x-ray all clear.
Then after a medial check up aged 50/51 was informed I had the start of COPD, (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,) a narrowing of airways and my lungs were 74 years old!!!!!.
COPD could not be cured but I could stop it getting worse.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease.
People with COPD have difficulties breathing, primarily due to the narrowing of their airways, this is called airflow obstruction.
Typical symptoms of COPD include:
increasing breathlessness when active
a persistent cough with phlegm
frequent chest infections
The main cause of COPD is smoking!
I needed to do something, felt a fool, what was left to help, hypnosis?
Then I saw people smoking pen like things with vapour, I asked many strangers about them,
Then my husband, myself and two grown up children all got one, yes our house had four smokers in it.
I did half cigs/ half vapour for about 6 months, then after a stressful period just went back to cigarettes.
Then Stoptober was advertised on TV, this is it I thought, have to try again, properly.
So 5th October 2014 I had no cigarettes at home or in my handbag, just my vapour e-cig. I thought can’t have what you haven’t got, right!
Well I was fine the e-cig not only stopped any craving, it was and still is more enjoyable due to the variety of flavours available, very cheap. Average spend a week £2, average spend on parts £10 every 3 months.
Back to the nurse my lungs are now 59 years old and just keep improving.
My sister-in-law and cousin in their 60’s say I am an inspiration to them and they too are going to start the e-cig this week.
People now say when you going to stop vaping?This infuriates me, its took 30 years to stop smoking cigarettes, my lung tests show it’s not harmful so why should I !
I still have the inhale/exhale habit and that’ fine, the nicotine fluid comes in various strengths and flavours, as it is vapour it is acceptable indoors.
How or why anyone stops smoking is an individual choice, good luck to anyone who tries :0)
Sister Sharon
Rehab 4 Addiction offers a free helpline dedicated to assisting those suffering from drug, alcohol and mental health issues. Rehab 4 Addiction was founded in 2011 by people who overcame addiction themselves. You can contact Rehab 4 Addiction on 0800 140 4690.
If you want help stopping smoking contact your doctor about this, call the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0300 123 1044 or go to the NHS Smokefree Good Luck.
Photo credit: Qfamily via / CC BY
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve gone on the e-cig -18 months -haven’t had any cigarettes since
Still could have a ciggie -apparently I’ve been told until this feeling goes I’ve to stay on it
On a positive note I’ve cut the nicotine strength and saved loads
Well done Margaret. I’m an ex-smoker too & even after 30+years I still get the very occasional urge. x J
I’d rather the e-cig mainly because of the health benefits – some spend as much on the latest gadgets and end up paying as much as for ciggies
I’ve just read this, well done you. Vape’s should have come out years ago! I used to be a heavy smoker and tried various ways of giving up, giving up when I was pregnant and then becoming a “social smoker” but now I have been smoke free for 4 years and actually I just quit in the end. It was hard but my grandad had COPD so that made me have more willpower I think. Hope you are doing ok now 🙂
Well done to you Carly, it’s so hard. It’s so hard to stop, I couldn’t have done it without the e-cigarette. I’m still just vaping & my lungs are nearly as young as me. Sharon.x
Well done I wish my boyfriend would stop he has c o p d and nearly died last year. He’s started smoking again. I’m a none smoker so makes it even harder watching him do this to himself I wish he would give up xx
You are an inspiration hun, it is SO SO hard to quit and just look at everything you tried. But Hooray the vaping worked and if you need to vape away for another 50 years, it doesn’t matter my love because you STOPPED SMOKING! XX
I’m so, so very proud of her. It’s been a hard struggle but she finally did it for herself, no better reason.
Congrats- you should be very proud! x
Really well done!! I used to smoke very casually at college (one or two, only when out..) and stopped afterwards. I used to get the occasional craving many, many years later. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs. I pray my children don’t start to smoke.
Agree completely with your comments. I would never have been able to quit without e-cigs. I think it’s mainly ignorance that drives people to be anti-vape. Of course it could be a way for the taxman to get in on the act!