Staccups Game from University Games

Staccups from University Games

Staccups Family Clan Review

Match top and base to win the race!

Staccups is a fast moving, fun filled game for all the family to enjoy.

You have to match the top of the previous cup to the base of your next. You can play with two, up to four players.

Staccups Family Clan ReviewContents of the box:-
32 Staccups
31 Staccup tops
1 Podium Stand Spinner

Set up

The game was very easy to set up, I simply attached the Staccup Tops on to the top of the Staccup bases as shown on the instructions on the back of the box. Once the tops were attached we were ready for instant play!

Playing the Game

The object of the game is to be the first player to stack all of your cups.
To start our game for a 2 player game each player has 16 cups. They share the base colours equally so Jake and Grace playing together each got a set of 4x each color. Next you press the button on the podium stand, that gives you the start colour for either player. You then race to place your cups on your stack, one cup at a time.

The top of the previous cup tells you what colour to play next. You can only take the cup from the top of your coloured pile. If you can no longer place a Staccup by colour matching, then you press the button on the podium again to reveal your next colour to start from. Players can call ‘challenge’ if they believe their opponent has placed a cup incorrectly. Whichever player is correct in the ‘challenge’ then re-starts the game by placing a free cup first.

The first player to place all their cups on the podium is the winner.

A good tip from us is to start with different colours on top of your cupsStaccups Family Clan Review

Our Thoughts

On the box it says suitable from 8+ but Jake 7 and Grace 3 have had great fun playing. Although at a slower pace, they got to grips with the rules of the game in no time and were showing me what to do!

We love this game. Grace enjoyed stacking the cups and saying the colours and counting as she stacked them.  I think it is a great game for younger players to learn their colours and counting. Also they learnt that as they stacked the cups the more they added the more the stack column leaned. Jake thought it reminded him of the Tower of Pisa.

It’s also great for dexterity, as they stack the cups they learn how to use their hands to place the cups carefully on the top.

We played this game on pizza & film night, which is the one day we really love! We think this would be a great game for when the family gets together as we are very competitive bunch and I know we will have to start with recording times it takes to stack for us to try and beat next time!

You can purchase Staccups from Amazon and all good toy stockists

Mummy H, Jake and Grace

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7 Thoughts to “Staccups Game from University Games”

  1. Ashleigh Allan

    Looks like lots of fun. Another idea for the Santa list

  2. Claire Elizabeth Noke

    my eldest would love these… she drives me crazy with our plastic cups! lol xx

  3. Leila

    Never heard of this game before. Sounds like a lot of fun. I am sure my children will have a blast and a good laugh.

  4. Kayleigh Watkins

    My children would enjoy this game, I haven’t seen it before xXx

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    Looks fun
    Sure they’d love this game

  6. Bev

    Looks like a fun game!

  7. Sidrah Ahmed

    This looks lots of fun and my kids would love this

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