Sledging home from school

Yesterday we had a good layering of snow come across the North East, and well I won ‘mam points’ after school when I picked Jake and Grace up from school with their sledge.

snow day fun!

All the way home they had me pull them, I’m so glad most of it is down hill!

We have had even more snow fall in the night, so today we are going to pop along to Lego Club and then hit the hills and go sledging.

Stay safe, and enjoy the snow everyone!

Mummy H

6 Thoughts to “Sledging home from school”

  1. debbieskerten

    Beautiful photographic memories.

  2. Sharon Freemantle

    Looks like you all had fun. We had snow on Thursday and was gone by Friday. Mind we don’t normally get it in Newquay

  3. Susan B

    Aaaw! What a fab photo. Snow is not everyone’s cup of tea but the children absolutely love it. My good deed yesterday was providing a carrot for the snowman’s nose!

  4. Ashleigh Allan

    Looks lots of fun. My kids are loving the snow

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    Best fun ever – they’ve forecast more too

    1. Mummy H

      ooh, fabulous I think. The kids will be made up!

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