Shuffle ‘n’ Giggle Ping Tiddlytubbies
We have been sent a Shuffle ‘n’ Giggle Ping Tiddlytubbies to review.
New to the Teletubbies collection is an adorable range of Tiddlytubbies toys. Tiddlytubbies are baby versions of the Teletubbies and made their first appearance in the new Teletubbies series in November 2015, and the characters have since become firm favorites with tots, Jake and Grace included!
2017 is the celebration of the Teletubbies 20th anniversary which makes me feel somewhat older as I do remember watching them when I was a child!
Grace’s face lit up so much when she seen Shuffle ‘n’ Giggle Ping. She was eager to get ready to play her new friend!
I un-sellotaped the box and then cut the ties that were under Ping’s feet to release her from the packaging, then I turned her over to open her to turn her from ‘demo’, to ‘on’. 3x AA batteries are already included with Ping, which is great as nothing worse than your child wanting to play and then searching the household for batteries!
The soft fabric makes them irresistible to touch and play with and they even encourage movement from your little one as the Tiddlytubbies crawls across the floor giggling. What child wouldn’t want to chase after these adorable toys!
To make Ping work, you just need to press on her back which will then set her to crawling and giggling in a very fun quirky way.
Grace has fell in love with Ping, and has took her to bed every night since we received her and calling her ‘my baby’. Something about this wonderful Tiddlytubby has really grabbed Grace and she has played with it more than her other toys within the last week and even taken Ping out on walks in her pram!
Here is a short video of Grace making Ping work so you can see how great Ping really is! You don’t need to press so hard on the back as it looks like Grace is doing, a simple push on Ping’s back will make her work .
Our Thoughts
The Shuffle ‘n’ Giggle Ping is suitable for 18 months plus but I would personally say that this toy could be suited younger as an incentive to get your child to crawl for when they are trying but can’t quite make it. Ping would encourage your child to try and follow, and with her giggling that comes from Ping, what baby wouldn’t try and follow!
I had a family friend visit with his 13 month, and Grace was keen to show Ping. We was getting many giggles from Baby R who absolutely loved Ping!
RRP £24.99, there are a range of Teletubbies toys that are available from Character Options
Mummy H & Grace
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I agree my Mollie is seven and a half months and would absolutely love one, there are no small parts so would use it regardless of 18 month recommendation, as soon as she hears the Teletubby music she turns straight to the TV, Santa knows what to get her for her 1st Xmas xXx
Esmay is one in a few weeks TIME
She’d adore THESE
Her mum and myself were talking about these
So cute