Sharing Memories for National Grandparent’s Day

On the 7th of October it will be National Grandparent’s Day, in celebration of this we thought we would share a few memories and photographs.

I really never wanted to be a Nanna. I felt it would make me be old, ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I’m 21. That’s all I’ll admit to, but between you and me I’m in my 50’s – how I got there I’ve no idea I was in my early 30’s next minute I’m in my 50’s! But Harriet telephoned me with the news she was expecting and now I have eight grand children and I wouldn’t be without any of them.

I love the fact that I can read kids story books, play kids games, tell silly jokes, pull silly faces AND get a way with it! I really love it and can’t imagine life without them.

I remember my Grand Dad teaching me how to play cards – poker – he never let me win I had to win on my own merit, Mum laughs that I used to take my 3d pocket money with me and he’d win it off me, then go to the shop and buy sweets to share with us all.

National Granparents Day 2018 Family Clan

This is a photograph of Mummy H’s Grand Parents, Nanna Anne taught me to knit and crochet, I’m now passing this on to Olivia and in time I’d love to pass it onto the other grand children if they have an interest.

National Granparents Day 2018 Family Clan

One thing I’ve realised whilst doing this post is that I don’t have many photographs of Grand Dad Al and I with the grand children! I thought I had loads, but they are just photographs we have took of the kids enjoying themselves when we are with them. Will have to rectify that even though I hate having my photo taken.

You can’t beat playing a few games of cards, playing good quality games especially board games – there is nothing like a bit of competing between the generations. Like my Grand Dad, I always play to win then if the children or grand children win they know they have earned the win and our respect.

Rummikub game review by Family Clan National Grandparent's DayTriominos De Lux review by Family Clan National Grandparent's Day

We love playing Triominos (Mummy H actually takes her set to her weekly game of bingo and she has a game with her friends during the break between sessions), Othello and Rummikub.  These are good quality games from John

Adams that will last us for years and come out very regularly when we play together. Rummikub is a favourite as the children know how to play gin rummy and this game is a similar concept.  Othello is a game I remember playing growing up with my Dad, he did let me win games as I am an only girl with four brothers so I was my Dad’s Princess and I could usually get my own way with him. Not that I tried very often, but he did love to play games with us all when he had the chance.

Here’s a few favourite snaps with Jake, Olivia and Grace enjoying time with their Grand Dad.

National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan

National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan


National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan

National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan


We also spend a lot of time on the telephone or Skype, hearing all the latest news!

National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan

Here are Jake and Grace with Nanna Doll, who is 87 years young. She has 16 grandchildren, 39 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandson born early this year. How cool is that!National Grandparents Day 2018 Family Clan

I’m looking forward to spending time over with Jake & Grace during half-term, I’m certain we will have plenty of fun times playing games during that time with lots of laughter and enjoyment.

A very proud Nanna Jane

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5 Thoughts to “Sharing Memories for National Grandparent’s Day”

  1. susan smith

    I miss my Grandparents, they were a huge part of my life and i try to be with the little ones in our family

  2. Sharon Freemantle

    That’s lovely. I was lucky enough to live just around the corner from my nan and grandad. Sadly we lost grandad when I was 11 and my mum the year after. My nan became a bigger part of our lives. Then as I grew up it was my turn to look after my nan. Sadly she is no longer but the fabulous memories keep her close

  3. Rosemary Tily

    We have a new grandson to celebrate with this year and are lucky enough to live very close to our grand-daughter, now thirteen, so have spend many happy hours and had many adventures with her over the years. We feel very blessed!

  4. Rebecca Whatmore

    That’s lovely. We have never celebrated grandparent’s day, just mother’s day and father’s day but my grandparents did play a huge part in my childhood. I did spoil them at Christmas and Birthdays, but I think they appreciated the time spent with them more than any gifts.

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    How lovely – my grandma taught us how to play snap – now i play with neices and great neices – such a simple way to bond
    Never to be underestimated

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