Schleich Horse Club Rider Cafe


We know from our previous reviews that Schleich products are always high quality. They are great trusted brand who take time and love in creating their products. Did you know that all of the Schleich figurines are designed with great attention to detail and painted by hand?

When asked to review the new Horse Club – Rider Café of course I said yes. Grace loves her previous Schleich Horse Club Horse and Rider and Mobile Vet Van which are often brought out to play alongside other Schleich products we own.

Grace really couldn’t wait to get this open, she loves Schleich and can sit for hours. We have only just had the Croco Jungle Research Station set out at the weekend….again. This is one of her favourites, I think she just likes the large play value within it. As there is a lot of attention to detail on the playsets, this really does bring play to life when she spends many of times playing and going to different areas of the play set she really does just get lost in her own little world.

Schleich Rider Café

The Cups & Saddles is a popular rider’s meeting place in Hazelwood. The four girls leave secret messages for each other here or enjoy a large piece of Carolin Kramer’s famous apple pie, which she regularly bakes for the café. Tom helps behind the counter at the weekend and makes yummy smoothies for the guests.

Contents Of The Box

1 x café, 1 x Tom, 1 x Tom’s Pinto stallion, Pino, 1 x Emily, 1 x waiter’s apron, 1 x trellis with roses, 1 x menu board, 1 x advertising board, 1 x golden key, 1 x counter, 1 x cabinet, 1 x oven, 1 x shelf, 1 x coffee machine, 1 x till, 1 x ceiling lamp, 2 x bistro table, 4 x chair, 1 x sunshade, 4 x cup, 4 x plate, 4 x piece of blueberry pie, 4 x piece of apple pie, 4 x cupcake, 2 x cream topping, 3 x bottles of lemonade, 2 x glass with straw, 2 x rosettes, 2 x flower vase, 2 x bouquet of flowers, 1 x tether pole for horses, 1 x manger, 1 x trough, 1 x halter, 2 x apples, 1 x saddle, 1 x bridle and reins, 1 x feeding box, 1 x sticker, 1 x assembly instructions

Setting Up the Rider Café

The assembly instructions are very easy to follow. Page by page the coloured instructions give you a step by step guide on how to assemble the Rider Café.

We started with the base and walls of our cafe and added the units, cooker and rosettes to the wall for decoration. This already began to take shape really easily very quickly.

As you can already see the high quality of the flooring with all the grooves in the right places. On the tabletop units the detailing all the way around giving it a real good “café” effect.

The pieces all just slot together, by pushing them, so it is ideal for a child to do too, Grace really enjoyed being able to complete these by herself. But still very sturdy quality that you would expect to find from Schleich.

Adding the door and window, additional counter screen and shelving. Just look at the additional key that also fits to the door making playtime even more realistic. Grace really loves this feature.

The set up process took us approximately 10 minutes, I personally love how realistic this play set is as I do often spend time at a local café so the similarities are quite canny.

We love all the additional ‘little bits’ such as the flowers on the table, glasses, bottles, just all the little pieces that keep play so realistic. Even the additional rose bush at the side of the café is such a great touch.

Our rider Emily sits very well on the horse, and she can move her arms, grasp objects and ride a horse!

You can see in my picture the sheer high quality of the horse and how well he is painted. The reins are also fully removable, but Grace insisted that they went on as he ate all the apples!

Tom the waiter also has a removable apron, with functioning arms and legs

In front of the cosy, fully equipped café, folding tables with chairs invite you to take a breather. A tilting parasol protects the rider Emily from the sun.

The magnificent Pinto stallion Pino patiently waits outside for his portion of hay.

Our thoughts

Grace has had so much fun with this set, it’s not been put away since opening it a few days ago. She won’t let me!

She has also brought her additional Horse Club horses into join the fun too.

With more than 60 pieces and two movable figures, it guarantees unlimited fun when re-enacting scenes and imagining the most varied scenarios.

The Horse Club sets are perfect for any child who loves riding and they would be a perfect gift as these sets would bring a child’s imagination to life due to the high quality and would make great collectors sets.

The Rider Café has been newly released this month and is available for £39.99 from Smyths Toys suited age 5+.

Schleich Horse Club Rider Cafe review by Family Clan

Mummy H & Grace

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5 Thoughts to “Schleich Horse Club Rider Cafe”

  1. LeAnn Harbert

    My granddaughters collect all of the Schleich animals. She would love to have this play set for all of her horses.

  2. Margaret Gallagher

    Lucky lucky Grace – I KNOW a little girl and boy who would be the same – can always count on schleich for quality fun

  3. debbieskerten

    Beautiful set and so imaginative for the children. My Granddaughter is a bit young for this at the moment, but it’s a lovely idea for the future. Many thanks.

  4. Jeanette Leighton

    Looks fantastic my children would love this but would probably lose all the bits lol

  5. A S,Edinburgh

    Wow, what a beautiful, detailed set! I’m sure most kids would love it as much as Grace does. Thanks for the review :).

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