Schleich Horse Club Horse & Rider
We know from our previous reviews that Schleich products are always high quality, they are great trusted brand who take time and love in creating their products and did you know that all of the Schleich figurines are designed with great attention to detail and painted by hand. When asked to review the new Horse Club – Horse & Rider of course I said yes, Grace loves playing with animals and figures, so these suit her perfectly.
Upon receiving our parcels Grace had absolutely no idea what was inside and I managed to take a quick snap of this picture of her. She was super excited as who doesn’t love to know whats in a surprise bag!
Welcome to Horse Club
Inside these two bags are four best friends, all from Schleich’s Horse Club. Discover the adventures of the four best friends and their horses and let play come to life.
Each Schleich Horse Club – Horse & Rider comes nicely presented on their own little box, Grace got so excited when she revealed each Horse Club member and noticed straight away the Horse Club logo which her Mobile Vet Van is also apart of.
Lets meet the Horse Club Friends
Each Horse and Rider set are the four main characters of the Schleich Horse Club. With each of the friend’s having lots of adventures together, it’s great that these sets bring play to life.
Lisa and Storm
Lisa is the sportiest of the four Horse Club girls and is always in a good mood. Whenever there’s a new secret to uncover, she and her Hanoverian, Storm, are always at the centre of the action.
I really like the detailing on Storm, with the matching colours, and such high attention to detail on Storm. Lisa also has fully articulated arms and legs allowing her to sit on Storm perfectly.
This set includes Lisa, Storm, saddle and reins. Will Lisa and Storm win the next show-jumping tournament?
Sarah and Mystery
Sarah is very smart and perceptive. She can write amazing songs and poems. Her favourite word, “magic”, appears in them a lot. She and Mystery love galloping across the fields of Lakeside, wild and free. They make an amazing team, since they understand each other perfectly. People say the two of them are finely attuned.
Just look how amazing Mystery looks, with that lovely blond mane, looking groomed and ready to play. Sarah also has fully articulated arms and legs allowing her to sit on Mystery perfectly.
This set includes Sarah, Mystery, saddle and reins.
Hannah and Cayenne
Hannah is full of curiosity and always looking for new adventures. True to this spirit, her motto is “Why …?”. When Hannah grows up, she wants to be a vet, just like her mum. Together with Sofia, Lisa and Sarah, she discovered a mysterious chest the day before her 12th birthday. It led them to an old caravan that became the secret meeting place for Horse Club.
Cayenne looks fantastic, looking very well groomed and ready for her next adventure. Hannah also cowboy hat, she has fully articulated arms and legs allowing her to sit on Cayenne perfectly.
This set includes Hannah, Cayenne, saddle and reins.
Sofia and Blossom
Sofia is very creative and likes to decorate everything around her with flowers and other pretty things. She got some of them from Blossom’s owner, Anna Collins, who gives Sofia small thank-you gifts from her frequent trips abroad.
Sofia and Blossom are just gorgeous and is my favourite of the four friends, Sofia just remind me of Grace as soon as I seen her as Grace loves picking flowers out the garden and asking them to be put in her hair. Blossom looks incredibly pretty with her matching flowers too. Sofia also has fully articulated arms and legs allowing her to sit on Cayenne perfectly.
This set includes Sofia, Blossom, saddle and reins.
The Horses & Riders
Each of the four best friends have their own style and likes and we love all the choices of the horses names. The horses are extremely well made with every bit attention to detail paid. They are part of the wider Horse Club franchise that includes playsets and accessories such as the Vet Van and the Caravan.
The Horse Club Horse & Rider sets are perfect for any child who loves riding and they would be a perfect gift as these sets would bring a child’s imagination to life due to the high quality and would make fantastic pieces to collect.
Grace has really enjoyed these, she hasn’t left them alone and her favourite thing to do with her new found friends is to make them ‘into a parade’ by lining them all up in a line taking it in turns to gallop.
Here is 4 year old Grace attempting her very first video review.
There is also a great website where kids can have lots of fun and you can find out lots more information on the four best friends. You can also view more of the Schleich products on their website. Suitable for ages 5-10 years and are available for £14.99 each.
Take a look at our other Schleich reviews you may like to read:-
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Mummy H & Grace
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Love this brand – always fun – always long lasting – more to add to our collection
Love these . They are really goos quality and last for years
I do like Schleich products, really good quality!
Perfect for little 1s
Aww! It looks like your girl is very happy with these.
They look like fantastic fun x