Playing in the Snow

Playing in the Snow

Like most of you, we have been hit with a blanket of white today. It looks so pretty from the window looking out, but when you actually have to go out into it brrrrr it’s freezing.

Walking home from school tonight was great fun. Jake and Grace made snow angels the whole way. Usually takes us about 10-15 minutes to get home, tonight three quarters of an hour. But there was lots of giggling and fun to be had. Even I had a go a making a snow angel – well it just had to be done!

Making Snow Angels 27th Feb 2018 Family Clan

Hot Chocolates, with marshmallows all round when we finally got in the door. Jake decided he wanted to build a snowman, in the garden, so of course Grace had to go and help him.  Think I’ll run them a nice warm bath for when they have finished to re warm them up again.

Hope you are all keeping safe and warm, make sure you check on any neighbours that are elderly or disabled. They won’t be able to go out in this weather like us. Maybe you could get them a little bit of shopping from the shop if you are going that way yourself. I’m so glad that Nanna Doll has really good neighbours who check up on her when the weather is bad.

Stay Safe

Mummy H

One Thought to “Playing in the Snow”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Cant get any better WHEN your little – more on the way today

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