How quickly the last twelve months has gone. Yesterday our Little Princess Olivia was One year old and even the weather came out shining for our big girl.
From this ……..
………. to this in just 365 days. Amazing!
All she has learned to do from taking her first breath to her first steps. We are an amazing species. But back to the party.
We have had a very busy week getting this important party ready. Getting the cake, wrapping the presents.
All six of her grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and even her Great Grandma (Nanna Doll) came to help celebrate her big day. She’s very lucky girl having all these people adore her.
She got lots of lovely presents of course from her first doll to a big sand and pit play table.
Normally Princess has a sleep in the morning, but of course, because we wanted her to she wasn’t tired, now how many of us have had that before, even “In The Night Garden” didn’t get her off, so we was amazed that she took to everyone being around her with all the noise going on from all the catching up. She just clapped at every present and tried putting the coat from Aunty K on whilst it was still on the hanger.
But as usual she was a star. Only falling asleep once Mummy M had helped her open all her presents. She loved playing with all the wrapping paper, almost as much as the presents.
Daddy T was in charge of the BBQ where there was chicken, sausage, burgers, veg kebabs, with lots of lovely salad and dips.
Everyone was tucking in, sat in the glorious sunshine, on Daddy T’s decking. Nanna Doll had her first taste of peppers, I know she’s been very sheltered, but now is loving them.
So no one went hungry.
After the Birthday girl had, had a little nap, it was time for the cake and what a cake! Upsy-Daisy looked fantastic sitting on top. Daddy T lit the candle and we all sang for our Princess, even almost two year old Cousin C joined in. Olivia loved it, she was clapping and smiling all the way through. Mummy M helped her blow out the candle and make a wish, then we all had a good slice, but we couldn’t cut Upsy Daisy, lol.
Then it was bubble time, Olivia and Cousin C loved this trying to catch hold of them as Daddy T blew them.
We all had a great time celebrating our Princess’s Milestone.
Nanna Jane
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How time flies ! Its great to look back and see how far olivia has come
Time just flies with kids. Lots of lovely photos
Aww bless…She’s absolutely adorable! x
Little Olivia is beautiful. You are very blessed. 🙂