OPPO Indulgence But With Less Calories

OPPO Ice Cream Review Family ClanOPPO by name, OPPO by nature.

Health and indulgence are opposites no longer.

OPPO believe indulgent food doesn’t need loads of sugar or calories to taste good.

They are on a mission to allow you to indulge in proper ice cream without compromising your health.

How Did OPPO Come About?

In 2011 brothers Harry and Charlie decided to travel 1000km along the North East coast of Brazil using only kite buggies. They were raising money for charity and breaking an unofficial World Record whilst at it.

The trip was exciting but physically tough, and Charlie lost a stone in two weeks. No wonder since the brothers were burning up to 7000 calories a day!

OPPO Ice Cream Review Family Clan

After running low on food supplies they came across wild coconuts. Which supplied healthy fats and protein for energy as well as electrolytes in the coconut water for hydration. They discovered, amazingly, this single foodstuff was supplying their body and brain with much more energy than with the food they were previously eating!

The lads were so inspired by this discovery that they made it their mission to bring the health benefits of coconut and other ‘superfoods’ to the mainstream back home – by turning them into ice cream!

What The Difference?

What’s the difference between 100ml of OPPO vs other ice creams or frozen yoghurt?

OPPO 78g 3.6g 7g
Haagen-Dazs Vanilla 225g 15.3g 17g
Ben & Jerrys Greek FroYo Vanilla 160g 6g 19g
Weight Watchers Vanilla 150g 3.9g 14.5g

(Here’s OPPO’s EU Authorised Health Claim: ‘Consumption of foods/drinks containing erythritol and steviol glycosides instead of sugar induces a lower blood glucose rise after their consumption compared to sugar-containing foods/drinks’.)

Where Can I Buy OPPO?

OPPO ice cream is available around the UK from Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Asda, Holland & Barratt and more. You can find your nearest stockist on the OPPO store finder


On the OPPO website there are plenty of yummy recipes for you to create. Such as salted caramel and spiced apple crumble bites, mint choc baked banana split and coconut chip flapjacks.

Is your mouth watering yet? Mine certainly is! There is even a ginger and apple skillet cake! I’ll have to stop listing the recipes or else I will end up eating all the ice cream up and leave none for Grandad Al to try.

About Salted Caramel Flavour

OPPO-Ice-Cream-Review-Family-Clan.Nature’s caramel.

Charlie knew there had to be a healthy salted caramel ice cream. But creating it without using loads of sugar wasn’t easy.

What’s the secret ingredient?

Charlie came across lucuma (known as ‘gold of the incas’) in Peru. It’s shaped like a melon, with golden flesh and contains beta carotene, iron, zinc, vitamin B3, calcium and protein.

Lucuma gives OPPO a smooth maple taste, quickly chased by a rounded caramel flavour which is enhanced with a pinch of rich mineral sea-salt. Magic.

My Thoughts

After Mummy H’s success at losing weight, I’ve been trying to do the same myself. I have restricted movement due to arthritis etc, but I am trying and have lost a stone in weight in just over 2 months, so really proud of myself so far! When the email from OPPO dropped into our email box I was like “Nooo, ice cream and I can’t have it!” But after reading further I realised I can! OPPO has approx 40 calories a scoop! Guilt Free Indulgence.

I love flavoured ice cream – well I love any ice cream, but I have to admit that I am not usually a fan of any salted caramel flavour, but that was the only flavour that was stocked in my local Holland & Barratt’s. So I decided to bite the bullet and go for it! To my surprise, I have really enjoyed it! I’ve only ever had salted caramel from a chocolate box before and it really wasn’t to my taste.

So I was pleasantly surprised and so happy as it meant I could give the ice cream a real taste for the review. Well that was my excuse for eating lots!

Oppo salted caramel ice cream has a lovely smooth creamy texture when you are scooping it out of the cardboard tub. So easy to serve. It a lovely milky coffee colour. I’ve served it with a dash of chocolate sauce and two chocolate flavoured cream wafer biscuits.

This ice cream would be lovely to make into one of the delicious recipes on the website or just served on it’s own, It really is gorgeous.

OPPO ice cream is made with fresh milk, virgin coconut oil and stevia leaf, and with it being approx 40 calories a scoop you can indulge much more without feeling to guilty!

OPPO ice cream comes in four different varieties, Salted Caramel, Madagascan Vanilla, Mint Choc Swirl and Colombian Chocolate with Hazelnut. They would make an excellent treat this Christmas to have if you are watching your calorie intake if you are slimming, this would be a perfect choice to keep on plan but still know you are having a yummy treat.

Indulgence just got healthy.


Nanna Jane

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5 Thoughts to “OPPO Indulgence But With Less Calories”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Still haven’t tried this yet – it’s on my shopping list –

  2. Rosie

    This treat sounds amazing – I’ve never heard of lucuma before, I want to learn more about it, too.

  3. Anneka Avery

    Fantastic Post and such and interesting back story to how Oppo became a reality and what they use to make their products. Will keep an eye out for this! 😊

  4. Margaret Gallagher

    Sounds delicious I’m interested in the health benefits we love our treats -one to look out for on our next shop especially with over indulgence at Christmas

  5. Ashleigh Allan

    This sounds really good. Will need to give it a try

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