Num Noms Snackables Dippers Come to Play

Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan

Num Noms Snackables Dippers Come to Play

We have been sent three brand new Num Noms Snackables Dippers for us to review. Grace really loves her collection of Num Noms that she already has so there was no surprise to me to see that she was really excited when she spotted these waiting for her after school!
Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan

 What’s in the Box?

The contents in the Num Noms Snackables Dippers boxes are:-
  • 1 container
  • 2 characters
  • 1 detachable cup

Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan


She set to opening her first Num Noms Snackables Dippers with utter excitement, within the carton we first revealed ‘Lemony dots’ from the Sticks category alongside with ‘Straw-Beary Sammich’ from the Cookies category along with an empty detachable cup.
Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan
You peel back the lid of the cup, add cold water and the tub will change colour, out of our selection, our cups turned blue and pink. You can then dunk your dippers for a surprise.
Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan

The Straw-Beary Sammich’ once dunked in cold water turned its bow and shade of pink different coloured.

The ‘Minty Stick’ revealed a very smart look with bow tie and buttons once dipped into the blue detachable cup! Last of all, our Waffle Bite Twins, turned to a different shade and smelled so much like sweet waffles, mmm!
With 35+ Num Noms Snackables Dippers to collect, I wonder what you could reveal next, from the rare to ultra rare you could be in for a sweet treat. Each of the Snackables are scented and they do smell yummy.
Grace has loved to sit and play with her Num Noms Snackables Dippers once she opened them all. Playing and dipping her different concoctions within different tubs.
Num Noms Snackables Dippers review by Family Clan
When you have finished play you can empty the water away and allow the detachable cup and characters to air dry and the dippers will return to normal colour ready for next time.

Our Thoughts

Grace has loved these and plays continuously with them. Num Noms Snackables Dippers are available on Amazon here for £5.99 each, which I personally think is a little bit steep for two Dippers and colour changing tub, but on the fair side, Grace really has enjoyed playing with these and sat playing with them until I told her it was bedtime, so they clearly have something magical to them that has grabbed her attention just like the other Num Noms we have previously reviewed which you read about including Num Noms in a JarNum Noms Series 4 and the Num Noms Series 3 Lunch Box.
Mummy H & Grace

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5 Thoughts to “Num Noms Snackables Dippers Come to Play”

  1. Susan B

    What fun these are. I didn’t know about these products so delighted that I do now. Thank you.

  2. Jeanette Leighton

    These look like fun my daughter Sheriah 5 would love them

  3. lesley renshaw

    Thanks for the review. Already thinking of Christmas presents and this will be added as a possible stocking filler. My daughter loves Nom Noms x

  4. kris mc

    Great for pocket money spends

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    Agree that the price is a bit steep
    Nice as a SPECIAL TREAT

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