We at Family Clan would like to say congratulations to Mummy E. She is expecting a new baby due mid May!
At the start of my pregnancy we had a scare due to bleeding, but was told that if I was miscarrying there is nothing they can do. After a few weeks we had our 12 week scan and showing everything was well, it was such a relief as we have been trying for a baby for 2 years now and it seems a long time coming.
This pregnancy has been completely different so far to the one that I had with Logan. I was completely fine with Logan, but this time around I am feeling sick constantly, tired. Complete opposite! Mind you last pregnancy I only had myself & Daddy S to take care of, having a boisterous four year old running around this time is a lot more hard work!
Promoting Logan to become a big brother!
As you can see Logan is thrilled to bits and can’t wait to meet the new baby sibling!
I am 21+5 weeks and I have had my 20 week scan very recently (a bit later than normal due to the festive holidays) and everything is perfect. We are not finding out what we are having as there are not so many surprises in life. So this will be a lovely surprise for us, a family of 4!
Logan is saying that he would like a girl, but right now – my bump is called Nemo (seems we are big fans of the films)
I would love to have one of each, but we will have to wait and see. ‘Pink or Blue’ we can’t wait and will be happy with either!
I hope you will follow my pregnancy with me, we are so excited for the next journey in our lives.
Mummy E
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Congratulations Mummy E. And Logan is going to make a wonderful big brother.
Congratulations on the wonderful news. I bet Logan is excited about becoming a big brother xx
aw congratulations thats wonderful news