Monster Fun on Monster Island

Monster Island

Monster Island DVD Family Clan Review

One young monster. A whole Island of adventure

Enjoy Lucas’s adventure on Monster Island! When young Lucas finds out he’s not really a human, the news changes his whole world. Especially since his first monster transformation happened in front of the most popular kids at the school!

After unreasonably blaming his Dad for keeping his identity secret, the angry and embarrassed Lucas runs away from home. His search for Monster Island and his real roots takes him on a terrifically scary journey that puts him face-to-face with more tentacles, fangs and far-out situations than he can shake one of his new wings at!

Ultimately Lucas learns that being a freak, isn’t freaky – it means you’re a member of a brand new type of family you can proudly call your own.

Monster Island DVD Cover

The cover of the Monster Island DVD looks really suitable for what Jake and Grace like to watch and they always seem to have split opinions on what they want to watch ending up in mini squabbles, Grace preferring girly films, and Jake enjoying boy’s films, but not this time, they both agreed to this (hurrah!)

We have a film night on a Friday night, so this is what we watched! Eagerly sitting down to watch and spend quality time with Jake and Grace, I bought some sweets and we sat and watched the film together all tucked up under the quilt, perfect.

Our Thoughts

Monster Island DVD

This film is PG and lasts for approx 77 minutes, a great film to watch for this time of year! It is a must, we have thoroughly absolutely enjoyed it!
The animation is excellent, alongside having music hits in the film which Jake and Grace kept jumping up to have a little wiggle. They have loved watching this film and are asking if they can watch it again already!

Monster Island is out now on Digital HD, VOD and DVD, you can buy Monster Island on Amazon

Mummy H, Jake and Grace

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6 Thoughts to “Monster Fun on Monster Island”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Super fun we’d really have lots of giggles
    Going to be big

  2. Naila M

    This looks like a great family movie, will check this out 🙂

  3. Sidrah Ahmed

    My family have not seen this film

  4. ashleigh allan

    Sounds like a really good family film – will need to get it!

  5. Kayleigh Watkins

    It looks like a fun family film, we will definitely have to watch this xXx

  6. Stephanie

    Want to visit

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