Life Update with Logan and Jensen

Life Update with Logan and JensenLogan & Jensen eating the 2019 Easter Eggs Family Clan

Easter Eggs!

Who else still have Easter Chocolate left over? They just seem to be never ending.

Logan and Jensen were very lucky to get lots and are still eating their way through their Easter Eggs to this day. We are slowly getting through them and have five left.

They had a great Easter with time off school for Logan, we even managed to get some good family time together.

Does anyone else think they Easter school holidays fell strange? Logan had the two weeks off before Easter and went back to school the day after Easter Monday. I’m sure they normally have a week either side. I felt sorry for the school teachers having all the class of children being hyper from all their chocolate eggs.

Wobbly Tooth

Logan’s wobbling tooth finally fell out and we can clearly see his new tooth pushing it’s way through. Bless him he was so excited when it fell out and the Tooth Fairy came to collect it and he received his shiny £2 coin that he is saving. Busy spending Mummy and Daddy’s money than his own!

Turning OneLogan Poster for Jensen 1st Birthday One Family Clan

I can’t believe on Friday it will be Jensen’s first birthday. Can it really be a year since I was waddling around and unable to see my toes or put my shoes on?I know everyone says it goes fast but I really don’t know where this year has gone.

It’s all coming to soon for me, I really feel unprepared for my baby being one and growing up.

We had a small get together with Daddy S’s family last weekend.

Logan is the cutest. He came in from school and wanted to draw. But it was to be a secret until it was completed. He then shouted me in to show me this. All in preparation for our little Jensen to turn ONE on Friday.

We are planning another family get together.

Life Goes On

I’ve even gone back to work part time with an agency. Luckily Mummy H has been on call for baby sitting duties. It was awful leaving Jensen the first time. I’ve never left him for more than a couple of hours before, so this was very strange for both of us. I knew he was in good hands, but I think all Mum’s worry about leaving their babies for so long the first time.

What has been going on in your life?

Mummy E

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6 Thoughts to “Life Update with Logan and Jensen”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Love goung back and looking through old pics – how the boys have changed

  2. Laura Wheatley

    aww they’re both really cute! time flies!

  3. fionajk42

    Gosh, £2 for a tooth! That makes me feel old. I remember giving my children 20p, and getting 6d when I was a girl.

  4. debbieskerten

    Happy birthday to Jenson. It’s my Granddaughter’s first birthday next month and we’ll be making the 7 hour car journey to see her. I can’t wait. My daughter also went back to work for the first time yesterday. I’ve yet to find out how she got on as she was working nights. It’s such a stressful time leaving baby for that long for the first time though isn’t it. Have a wonderful May.

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    Time is always so precious – blink and you really do miss the most AMAZING joy

  6. Susan B

    What a lovely summary. It’s awful returning to work and leaving little ones for the first time. I hope Jensen has a lovely 1st birthday tomorrow and that you soon get back into a work routine.

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