Lexicon Go – Word Playing Fun
We love playing games as a family and word games are up there as a favourite, so when I was asked if I’d like to review Lexicon Go you just know my answer.
Lexicon Go is made by one of the master games maker Waddingtons of London. The aim of the game is simple be the first to play all your letter tiles.
How to play
Place all the 52 letter tiles face down and then each player selects 10 tiles, any spare tiles are pushed to the side, to enable a clear playing area.
All players make words from the tiles and the first player plays their word and then the next player either plays a word or they can add to the first word.
If you change a letter you keep the letter tile you changed. You can add letters into a word for example. BAD – BAND – BRAND – but you cannot now change this to BREAD as that is altering the letters arrangement but it could become GRAND.
The first player to use all their tiles wins. The remaining players then add up the total of their tiles and the player to reach 100 (or what ever score you decide) is the out until only one player remains.
You can not use plurals, one letter words, proper nouns, abbreviations or acronyms. If you are not sure if a word is real have a dictionary on hand to check.
You can purchase Lexicon Go from the Winning Moves website.
What are your favourite family games to play?
Nanna Jane
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Sounds like a good way to help kids with their spellings and increase their vocabulary.
We like hangman and junior cluedo – any to get away from gadgets – this looks fab
This is a new one to me; looks good! Word games are usually fun.