L.O.L Lil Sister Surprise Ball

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
We have received Lol Surprise! Lil Sisters series 2 to review.

Discover 5 layers of surprise in each L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters ball! As you unwrap each layer a new surprise in unveiled, hinting at which L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters doll you’re going to get! And that’s not all – bathe her for an additional water surprise!
The ball becomes a keychain or bath playset. Mix and match your L.O.L. Surprise! Lil Sisters accessories with your L.O.L. Surprise! Tots 45+ to collect in Series 2!

We have previously reviewed the Lol Surprise ball which you can take a look at here
The Lil Sisters ball is smaller than the Lol Surprise ball.

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family ClanLol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family ClanLol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family ClanLol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family ClanLol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan

So we first started by unwrapping the layers, the layers unwrap by the image of a ‘zip’ and then you rip it down, which then reveals your first surprise which is a secret message code.
We had the image of a snowflake and a bunny = Snow Bunny

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
Next layer revealed collectible sticker

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
Then accessories which revealed a pair of boots

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
and a hat
Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
the accessories were all supplied inside a bright pink sphere hollow ball which Grace loves as its pink! It is supposed to make a keyring but it just doesn’t fit no matter how many times I’ve tried and a broken nail later!

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
last of all we revealed the baby called ‘Lil Cozy Babe’

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan
Followed by a sheet of paper showing other dolls and where we can see what our baby is called and what group she belong in. Lil Cozy Babe belongs in the ‘Chill out Club’. On reverse side of the paper it shows you older looking dolls which must be the ‘Big Sisters’ and Lil Cozy Babe’s big sister is called ‘Cozy Babe’

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family ClanLol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan

The accessories I have received in the L.O.L Lil Sister Surprise Ball do not fit the Lil Sister as these are for the larger Cozy Baby. So the only thing Grace can play with is the baby and she wasn’t interested in it for long as it didn’t do anything to keep her entertained. I feel this set would benefit more if it had something for the doll in this set too.

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan

When the pink ball is in half, you can use this to create a bath for your doll and something magic is to happen when she is in cold water. So we put it to the test!

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan

As instructed I put ice cold water in and waited and re tried again, changed her angle so she was also facing face first, nothing happened apart from getting wet!

Lol Surprise Lil Sister Ball Series 2 Review Family Clan

At an RRP of £4.99 I really don’t think these are worth the money at all unless you are a big collector and have a wide range so you can mix and match accessories, but as a pocket money toy your child might want to treat them-self with, it is missing lack of play as explained before the accessories in this set do not fit the Lil Sister, so I would maybe suggest that they had matching outfits for Lil Sister and Big Sister doll supplied in this, which then I would say be worth the price tag.

Mummy H & Grace

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5 Thoughts to “L.O.L Lil Sister Surprise Ball”

  1. Ashleigh Allan

    Not too good that it does not work like it’s meant to

  2. Leila

    My daughter loves them. I bought her a couple as a treat better than buying sweets. 😀

  3. Kayleigh Watkins

    My Megan has asked for the LOL dolls, I’ll have to get her some for Christmas, she can’t have seen these ones as she hasn’t nagged for them yet xXx

  4. Sidrah Ahmed

    My daughter would love these she loves collecting toys

  5. Margaret Gallagher

    They are cute
    Can see your point
    Could get rather expensive!

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