Knee Fun
Well I will be going under the knife again in March to hopefully once & for all sort out my knee, as you may know I had a knee arthroscopy in July 2014, but although we though it had initially worked, it hadn’t. You can read more about that here. They fixed a tear in the minus around my knee, but sadly the scraping of the knee joints didn’t work.
I’m not looking forward to this, I was scared before my first op, but now I know the level of pain it’s even worse! I’ve been woke most of the night thinking about it & other random thoughts going around, but mainly the arthroscopy & it’s only the beginning of February. If this doesn’t work then the only thing left, apart from living with the pain, is a new knee, but that is a scary thought for me.
I’ve a busy few weeks with hospital visits coming up. First up is a review of my bloods, to make sure it hasn’t gone haywire again & started producing lots more white blood cells, I always produce more than a “normal” person, but they are still trying to find out why. I have to remember to get my bloods took at the GP before hand or I have a two hour wait in the hospital whilst they take the sample then send it off to the lab for testing.
I have the follow on from my septoplasty review & allergy review, I’ve had a bunch of allergy tests, but nothing showing so far – typical me being difficult & not responding to what the docs thought I would! So can’t wait to see what they are going to test me for this time! – yes very sarcastic – as long as I’m not allergic to hubby, our children & our grand children I’ll cope.
Then there is my pre-op before the big day in mid March. Pre-op are nothing they just take a swab
from up your nose (gross right!) & at the side of your groin, to make sure you are not carrying any viruses especially the nasty MRSA – Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans. – I should be fine as I actually haven’t stayed in hospital since my septoplasty.
I really want to get off my crutches, I usually walk with a walking stick as I’m terrible on balance & have a tendency to try to fall over, but having two crutches is a major pain the butt.
So there you are all updated, wish me luck!
I know I’ve used this picture before but it’s so me to a tee, & it makes me smile.
Nanna Jane
Photo credit to Kate Curtis
That picture is epic – will know someone who will find this so funny !!!!
Wishing you successful surgery in March. I hope all goes well for you.
The picture makes me smile, too, Nanna Jane! Hope all goes well.