So here is a little update.
Jensen Cole is now nearly 9 months, 9 months how did this happen!
So since the last post, Jensen is now between crawling properly and commando crawling, hes found hes so much faster commando crawling, so hes EVERYWHERE!
In the last 2 weeks he has discovered that he can pull himself up on our units and sofa and rather confident at doing so I may add! He is now trying to reach from the sofa to the coffee table. Hes getting too big to fast for my liking!
The dreaded teething is upon us. Poor Jensen has been in so much pain with his gums lately. So he’s up loads in a night, no sleep for us. We finally have a tooth poking through too.
His personality is such a character and he knows he is cheeky too!
Big brother Logan is enjoying (in his own way) playing with Jensen when Jensen is playing nicely that is and is not taking Logan’s toys or destroying them (oops) but that’s little brothers for you.
Logan loves his little brother, and recently told us he’d like a girl baby – very much come as a shock to me and Daddy S as we’re both very happy with our two and wasn’t planning on having any more. But never say never, if it happens, it will be a blessing like those two handsome boys.
We had a lovely photo shoot at the weekend and managed to grab this lovely photo that I would like to share.
That’s it from my boys, I hope you are all well?!
Thanks for reading
Gosh thats flown by – beautiful photos – where does ” he’s like a girl…… ” come from
Great seeing their journey x
What fabulous pics and, yes, once they start crawling, they’re off on a whole new set of adventures!
Lovely photos. Lots of fun and hard work at that stage
Fabulous photos where does the time go. The photo of them together is gorgeous
Beautiful photo – growing up so fast – love the brotherly relationship