Our gorgeous little Jensen is now 5 nearly 6 months old – how crazy!
He’s getting so big, and we celebrated his 5 months on a family holiday. Jensen and Logan had a brilliant time and was so so good. Jensen loved the swimming pool and was kicking his legs when Daddy S lay him on his tummy.
I was so anxious about flying with a 5 month old, lots of questions ran through my head. I asked online and my friend’s if they had any tips they had to help him on the plane and whilst on holiday to help Jensen along. All the tips I was given I totally used and everything went better than I could have ever expected. He was so good and the altitude change didn’t bother him at all. I’m so relieved to say.

Jensen is now on the move.
We do lots of floor play which is really good for a child’s development. He’s constantly rolling to get to places or toys, especially to find Logan, when he is playing on the floor. I love their bond still and it’s just getting better and better, there little faces light up as soon as they see each other. I really cant wait to see their bond grow more and watch their personalities grow more.
Jensen has also only just began to sit up for a few seconds. He’s so big!
As always, thanks for reading
Have a lovely day
Mummy E
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Gosh – how quickly time flies – beautiful family pic – getting so big
Awesome! I’m so glad he’s doing well, and that you all had such a good time on hoilday.
A really fabulous family photo. So pleased that the plane journey went better than expected.