Jensen 10 weeks old!

Hello everyone!

Can you believe my littlest handsome boy is 10 weeks old?! No me either ! Time has gone over super fast, we wish it would just slow down.

We’ve been enjoying some sunshine this week, Jensen has loved the wind blowing in his hair.
He’s becoming more awake and staying awake for longer periods, which is great as we get some one-on-one time and also he has began to tell me some very interesting stories with his baby talk. He’s also loving his play gym, he watches as the toys move when he reaches and hits them!

He’s such a good little boy, still only waking once for milk and sometimes he doesn’t wake for his milk, he just wants his dummy back then he’s back off to sleep until around 7-730.

He had thrush recently which was all in and around his mouth, so painful poor thing but this has all cleared up with two lots of medication.

Had him weighed today. He started as a teeny 6lb 2 and a half Oz, and now 10lb exact. So he’s definitely putting the pounds on and filling right out. I thought his 0-3 month clothing would last longer than Logan’s ever did, but now I’m rethinking! I can’t believe he is 10 weeks, but what a pleasure the 10 weeks have been.Jensen 10 weeks
Mummy E

6 Thoughts to “Jensen 10 weeks old!”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    How time passes – dottie rose is a big nine weeks
    Time really does fly by

    1. Nanna-Jane

      Nine weeks already!! WOW, I’d have said six at them most! Big sister still looking after her? xxJane

  2. Samantha O'D

    Wow! so much hair. such a cutie

  3. sarahjane24carter

    awwwwww Jenson is soooo cute look at all the hair he is x

  4. Margaret Gallagher

    10 weeks has surely flown by – amazing how much they change – just enjoy every moment

  5. Susan B

    Aaw, bless. He’s so bonny.

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