Jamberry Nail Wrap Applications

jamberry Nail Wraps by Family Clan

Jamberry Nail Wraps

I have been sent these Jamberry nail wrap’s for me to review from the lovely Sarah at ‘Sarah’s Beauticle Jams‘.

Nail wraps: I have to admit I had never heard of until asked to review, and now I think that they are brilliant, and up to trend, you can have 1 or 2 nails done and the rest of your nails painted solid colours to match, or simply use the nail wraps on all nails. Either way you do it they will look fabulous!

They last approximately 2 weeks (longer on toes!) and you are able to go on with life as normal, on the plus side they are able to get wet! Advice is to just keep your hands out of water 1-2 hours after applying them to your nails, just to make sure they set completely.

How to apply your Jamberry Wrap Application:-

  1. Nail Prep: Push back cuticles. Buff and clean nails with a Nail Prep Wipe or Nail Prep Cleanser
  2. Match nail wrap that bests fits your nail.
  3. Cut nail wrap in half, pick up wrap from the cut side and peel away from clear backing sheet
  4. Warm the adhesive side of nail wrap with mini heater (or you can use a hair dryer) for about 3 seconds. Avoid over heating
  5. Press nail wrap onto nail with the rounded edge at the cuticle. Firmly smooth the nail wrap down the centre of the nail towards the tip. Next, smooth the sides starting at the centre and towards the edges to seal the nail wrap to the nail.
  6. Trim excess with nail scissors. file off remaining nail wrap using a downward motion.
  7. Apply heat and pressure to the nail until is is bonded to the nail.

I was so happy at just how simple they were to apply and it only took a minute to do!
There are also so many designs you can choose from to suit you.

Jamberry Nail Wraps

I love the idea of Jamberry Nail Wraps, as a busy mother of two very active children, I’m always on the go and any nail varnish that I apply just normally chips away or comes off due to general household duties. So I’m glad I have found these and there are no smudges and no streaks! Now to decide what I’ll have after this design!

You can see more of Sarah’s range on her Facebook page here.

Mummy H

We was sent this item to review free of charge. Our opinions are in no way swayed by this. All our reviews are our honest thoughts & feelings.

10 Thoughts to “Jamberry Nail Wrap Applications”

  1. ashleigh allan

    These look really nice!

  2. Kayleigh Watkins

    The look beautiful, I use the ones from Avon then found ones in home bargains for less than a pound which are just as good xXx

    1. Nanna-Jane

      OO I’m just off to home & Bargain. Might have a look to see if they have them at mine! Thanks for the tip Kayleigh

  3. Samantha O'D

    I’ve never tried these, they look great

    1. Sarah chaney

      Comment on my page Hun if you would like some free samples xx

  4. MARGARET gallagher

    I’ve tried these and they are great
    Once you get the hang of applying they are super

    1. Sarah chaney

      Do you still use them now hun?

  5. Sarah Chaney

    What an amazing review Hun so glad you found these so easy to use and looking forward to you becoming my customer thank you so much

    Facebook Sarah’s beauticle jams

    Website: https://sarahsbeauticlejams.jamberry.com/uk

    If anyone would like any free samples to try please get in touch ?


    I bought some of these a while back and the mini heater too, I love them 🙂 I pop a gel polish over the top of mine and they last even longer than it says on the pack!

    1. Sarah Chaney

      Yeah we has just launched our gels here in the uk on the 1st march and so excited to use them

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