GIVEAWAY – Homeward Bound Book Review

Homeward Bound by Richard Smith

There will be no spoilers in this book review, as I, personally, hate it when I read a review an they give way the ending. That’s just so wrong. Not we’ve settled that let me get on with my review.

As the book blurb states Homeward Bound is a feel good yet poignant tale of derailed ambition and the uselessness of experience

At the start of the book we meet George, whose daughter and son in law are taking around to look at, or rather his family are looking around retirement homes. George is in dismay at the state of the almost dead residents of the “Last Days” Rest Home. There is just no life in its residents and George can not wait to leave and where was his promised cream tea at the seaside?

Homeward Bound by Richard Smith Book Review Family Clan

He has moved into his daughters home temporarily after losing his beloved wife  Evelyn. He is missing his home and independence. George owns an extensive record collection that has the obscure to the most popular. George loves music more than anything. He sits in his room with his records playing and is blissfully happy.

Music is really an important part of George’s life, something his daughter and son in law don’t appreciate.

His family don’t understand this and don’t want him living alone, so a decision is made for his teen aged grand daughter Tara to move in with him. She’s also a musician and is about to start university. has a wonderful singing voice and a boyfriend who makes ‘music’ of a kind that err is distinctive.

We go through the process of them learning to live in the same house, setting rules and learning to live with each other and all that entails until they find actually they aren’t all that different after all.

Homeward Bound by Richard Smith Author Photo

George was in various groups in his teens and early 20’s with moderate success, he even produce a record – of which all but one he still has.  But he has never told anyone why his career stalled. George has never really come to terms with ‘what might have been’.

The story is a page turner with thrills and spills. Yo just have to find out how they cope with the next situation.

Homeward Bound is available from Amazon and all good book shops.

As a first novel for Richard Smith it’s well put together and flows beautifully page after page. Totally recommend this book. I really and truthfully couldn’t put the book down.

Nanna Jane


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Ends Midnight Sunday 25th October 2020

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Question is ‘Does your family have a favourite tune? Tell us about it.’

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84 Thoughts to “GIVEAWAY – Homeward Bound Book Review”

  1. Amy Stevens

    We love man I feel like a woman. my dad’s favourite song

  2. Theresa Thomas

    We don’t have a favorite tune as a family, but I love cleaning to Iris by Goo Goo Dolls

  3. Keith Hunt

    Zager And Evans – In The Year 2525 was the first record i got from W H smiths

  4. fionajk42

    We don’t have one favourite tune but lots of them. I especially like listening to songs I listened to in my youth. Today I listened to 6 different versions of Hallelujah, from Leonard cohen, Jeff Buckley, Wiilie Nelson, and KD Lang, and I’m now listening to Nick Drake.

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