I can’t believe another of my children hits the 30 bench mark. How many other Mum’s have said, it doesn’t seem two minutes since I was 30.
Most of the footage I have of Daddy T when he was little is still on video, I really need to go through some of our old tapes & transfer them onto DVD. But he is all grown up now with a mortgage, bill, long term partner, Mummy M & the beautiful Princess Olivia for a daughter.
they returned from their first family holiday abroad yesterday, went to Ibiza, the quieter part, & had a lovely weeks holiday. Come back brown & refreshed.
Mummy M & Daddy T
Daddy T with his little Cheeky Monkey
On our way to Ibiza, quick pit stop at the airport.
Happy Birthday Daddy T
We all love you.
Nanna Jane
Beautiful pictures and happy belated birthday x
Such a beautiful family!
Lovely pictures x
Lovely pictures. Nice to reflet on how your son has grown into the man he is.
Many Happy returns!