Growing up fast!

It doesn’t seem so long ago that Jake was born, even though 2010 seems a long number ago as its nearly fast approaching 2015 it just seems to have flown, from having his first touches to then his cheeky first steps. He is coming on milestones at a time & fast approaching his 4th birthday! He thinks he can then have 4 Custard Creams with his milk when goes to bed as he has 3 now. Just all the little things that they do are just amazing, before you know it; the next day is here already.

Family Clan Blog All-new

  Family Clan Blog Going-to-Nursery-8th-Sept-2014-1-225x300

My beautiful daughter Grace is also fast approaching the massive stepping stone of 1! I really can’t believe it; I am always saying she has got to stay little & be mammy’s little baby forever. All though she is petite, it really is scary how much she has also come on, from cutting her first tooth at 10 months crawling at 11. Now nearly 1 year old (eek) & coming along fantastic. Along with her little huffs, as I won’t let her grab hold of wires! Definitely showing her personality more by the day.

Family Clan Blog Baby Grace

 Family Clan Blog Grace Swings






But I can’t believe my 2 little children are shooting up, treasuring all the happy times we have together, like days at the beach, going to soft play, playing peek-a-boo so Grace & Jake can play together. What I am proud of is their bond they have together, Jake is forever asking for kisses & cuddles from her, she pulls at his hair & ears, he freely lets her!

My beautiful children are the best thing in my life. We all enjoy taking pictures together, which we will look back on in many years to come, enjoying it whilst they are little, as people say they grow up to fast, which I can now see for myself.

Family Clan Blog Jake  Grace Paddling Pool



Mummy H


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8 Thoughts to “Growing up fast!”

  1. fionajk42

    They do grow up fast, and those first few years are really precious. Although my children are now adults, in my mind’s eye I still think of them as they were when they were little.

  2. Margaret Gallagher

    Every moment is so special – treasure and loved always

  3. Denise walton

    Beautiful! It’s true they do grow up so fast

  4. Martina Evans

    It’s true, they grow up so fast! But you will always have the sweet memories of them being little babies x

  5. Margaret Tromans

    they are all so cute, they grow up so quickly

  6. Louise McNicol

    I know how you feel I had all 4 of mine in quick succession and I’ve just realised how quickly they’re growing up. X

  7. Lisa Hilliard

    ah too cute! wish they could stay babies forever

  8. jason wills

    i Know what you mean i had two daughters born a year apart and i thought it would be an eternity before they were adults.But it seems that one minute i was changing nappies and the next worrying that they woulnd get pregnant.Thats comes with having girls!

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