Giveaway: Ravensburger Memory game

Giveaway: Ravensburger Memory game

The exciting search for matching picture pairs guarantees hours of fun for the whole family! Small children are often best at this game, thanks to their excellent visual memory.

Despicable Me 3 has been a favourite in my household and watched many times by Jake and Grace, along with the first two films and extra Minions film. Fair to say Jake and Grace really do like watching the crazy gang!

Included within the box:-

48 cardboard square themed cards (24 pairs)


How to play Ravensburger Memory game

Match and collect 24 pairs of bright and colourful high-quality memory picture cards in this classic game. Cards feature Gru and his adopted daughters Margo, Edith and Agnes, Lucy and the hilarious minions, plus the characters from the new Despicable Me 3 film.

Place the cards picture-side down, shuffle and arrange them in rows to make a rectangle.

Ravensburger Despicable Me 3 Memory Game review by Family Clan

The youngest player goes first, the player whose turn it is turns over two cards so everyone can see them. If the cards have the same two pictures, then the player keep these two cards and turns over two new ones. This continues until the player turns over two cards that do not match. If the pictures on the cards do not match, they are turned face-down again. The next player continues with the game.

The game is over when the last pair of cards has been turned over. Now the players stack all their cards in a tower. The winner is the player with the most pairs of cards and thus the highest tower.

Another way that we like to play Ravensburger Memory game is by laying all the cards out in front of us face-down and we were then ready to play. Each player takes two or three cards each and laying them face-up in front of us to see if we have any matching pairs between us, and if we do, then we match them and place them in the box then take another from the pile. When we have no more matches between us we lay them all back face-down and pick a further three. When less cards are on the floor, we then drop the card count to only allowing us to turn two over at a time.Ravensburger Despicable Me 3 Memory Game review by Family Clan

The game can be played to suit different ages and abilities; for younger children use fewer cards, but you’ll be surprised at just how good children are at this game – there is every chance that as their skills develop they will beat you!

The Ravensburger Memory cards are up to the same great standard as all Ravensburger products. Made from sturdy high-quality card, laminated on both sides with a colour print. Such a fun picture matching game which is a great way to develop matching and memory skills.

Our Thoughts

Despicable Me 3 Ravensburger Memory game is suitable for 2-6 players from ages 3 years and up, I would say could be used from younger as we have in the past owned a few of these Ravensburger character memory games and I think they are brilliant for children from a young age as early as the age as one to learn to match pictures.

With summer holiday season starting these would be perfect to take on holidays or days out as they are a small compact size, and children do play for hours (tried and tested) so these would make a perfect addition to pop into a bag without taking up much room at all.

Despicable Me 3 Ravensburger Memory game is available to purchase from Amazon along with a wide selection of many other characters.

Mummy H, Jake & Grace


We have two Ravensburger Memory games to giveaway to you, you could win either Thomas The Tank Engine or Spiderman of the game.

If you would like a chance to win, just enter the Rafflecopter giveaway form below.

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The mandatory question must be answered in the “Leave a comment here” box at the bottom of this page to make any further entries valid. No answer means no win! Please try to use 8 words or more in your comment.

Ends Midnight Sunday 15th July 2018

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Don’t forget to check out our other giveaways.

Question is “Tell us abut your earliest memory.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway


88 Thoughts to “Giveaway: Ravensburger Memory game”

  1. Adrian Bold

    My earliest memory was of camping in Italy when I was about 4-5, and the whole campsite getting washed away by a torrential rain storm!

  2. Claire Little

    being in my pram and going to my grans house!

  3. mandydoherty65

    My mum & dad bringing snow indoors so I could build a little snowman when I was about 3

  4. Sally Metcalfe

    Having my picture taken on my first day of big school

  5. laura stewart

    i remember my mums tea pot set white with poppys on it x

  6. Tammy Neal

    I remember having to share a bed with my mom when I was younger x

  7. Jen Jackson

    Being in a cot bed cot with my twin sister. We must have only been about 18 months but i remember it very clearly

  8. Rebecca Whatmore (@0zzyhog)

    My grandmother teaching me to bake scones.

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