Cure and Simple Bacon

The perfect present for fanatical foodies? It’s Cure and Simple!

Hertfordshire-based company Cure and Simple was launched in 2014 with a great idea – delivering the absolute best artisan bacon, at the best price, by post, to your door. They’ve long since expanded from one local farm to three different farms throughout East Anglia – and still growing – but they haven’t compromised on the quality of their product.

Cure and Simple are proud to be a company that provides fans of great artisan food with some of the best quality bacon on the market and they have announced their Christmas gift line-up and my gosh they are yummy.

Their Christmas gift line-up includes Cure and Simple’s traditional Christmas gift boxes, gift cards and subscription vouchers – and a special new offer: a Christmas present that will keep the foodie in your life happy all year long. It’s called The Curiosity Club.

The Curiosity Club offers monthly deliveries of packs of hand-cured and air-dried bacon in 12 flavour profiles, all created by Cure and Simple’s talented in-house chef, with recipe ideas included, The Curiosity Club is a unique – and very, very tasty – Christmas food gift. And it’s available now at

How does The Curiosity Club work?

Here’s how it works. Order The Curiosity Club gift online and your chosen recipient gets a ‘Welcome Pack’ on 19th December 2018 – delivered anywhere in the United Kingdom.

In the Welcome Pack they will find a detailed description of the Cure and Simple curing process and the 12 bespoke crafted flavour profiles that are on the way. There will also be recipes to try – and there’s a pack of original Cure and Simple bacon with every Welcome Pack, just to whet the appetite.

Cure and Simple bacon review by Family Clan

The lucky recipient can then look forward to the arrival of a specially developed pack of bacon on the last Friday of January – and every month after until the end of the year.

More about Cure and Simple

Cure and Simple is such a truly unique gift to give this Christmas to any lover of high-quality food products.

Cure and Simple bacon review by Family Clan

The £70 price includes packaging and first-class delivery. And it’s shrink-wrapped with minimal moisture for freshness and fits through your letterbox, so you don’t have to be in when it arrives.

Cure and Simple bacon review by Family Clan

But don’t worry, if you think your dog might get into the packaging whilst you’re out, included is a (mostly) fool-proof dog deterrent to keep your dog away from the package.

Cure and Simple bacon review by Family Clan

But be quick as the the offer is limited to 1,000 people – so don’t wait too long!

Our Thoughts

We are one for always buying bacon, but only ever from our local supermarkets. We do appreciate good food and wow, we were really in for a treat with this Cure and Simple bacon.

The comparison between supermarket brands and Cure and Simple was amazing. Cure and Simple bacon wiped the slate. It was extremely high quality, you could taste it with every bite you had that you were truly eating quality meat.

Cure and Simple bacon review by Family Clan

That’s not all. The Cure and Simple website has many other mouth-watering offers for you and your friends to try. Just don’t forget:

  • Each pack of bacon is hand-cured and air-dried to Cure and Simple’s exacting standards.
  • The meat comes from welfare-friendly, outdoor-reared or free-range, happy, healthy pigs.
  • All ingredients enhance – and never disguise – the natural flavour of the bacon.

So, if you’re looking for a Christmas present that’s unique, unusual and very, very tasty for any lover of good food and quality meat, the answer really is Cure and Simple.

Mummy H

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4 Thoughts to “Cure and Simple Bacon”

  1. Sam Ripley O'Donnell (@lillyfer85)

    Certainly a different gift idea, looks yummy

  2. Sharon Freemantle

    This bacon sounds delicious

    We buy our pork from a small organic farm in Devon. They do everything on site so there are no food miles in their products.
    When we know we are going to visit family we put in a big order and fill up our freeze.

  3. Margaret Gallagher

    The taste is amazing – once you’ve tried cure and simple theres no going back to prepared supermarket type
    Somethings are worth paying more for

  4. Susan B

    Artisan foods, if you can afford them, are streets ahead of supermarket products in taste and a real treat.

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