Crochet Skirt
I made a crochet cardigan for Olivia a couple of weeks ago, which you can see here & I thought I’d have a go making a skirt to go with it. I tried a few designs, but they just didn’t look right, so I ended up making a Ra-Ra style or layered crochet skirt, with a chain threaded through the waist to pull it tight & a tassel on each end. I trimmed the tassels a little bit shorter after I took this photo.
The skirt is a mish-mash of lots of pattern, so I can say this is my own design. She loves it, although it’s a little bit heavier than I would have liked, but it didn’t look as good with only four layers, so I added an extra row on the bottom. Maybe next time I’ll make it even lacier (is that even a word?).
I chose pink & cream to match the cardigan, but in the alternative. I was playing yarn chicken with the pink for last few rows!
If you don’t know what yarn chicken is I’ll explain. It’s when you are trying to finish an item before you run out of yarn, but think you are going to run out. With this skirt I had just over two metres of yarn left which I used to make the belt chain & tassels, so it was a close call, this is also why when I made the belt for Olivia’s cardigan I had to use just cream.
Sadly I didn’t remember to write the pattern down, but I’m sure I’ll have to make one for Grace once I have got the Easter crochet is out of the way, but more about that soon. Shh it is a secret.
Have you done any crafting lately?
Nanna Jane
I can’t crochet,but ive made handmade birthday cards xx
I love to receive handmade card. You feel someone has taken the time to think about you whilst making it. Jane.
I can’t crochet but my sister-in-law has just taken it up and she has made some beautiful dresses and a tutu (net skirt) for our baby niece.
so cute, i like crochet but can only manage a basic blanket
oh I just love that, also thought it would be cute on a little doggie too!
This is very cute – i could never make anything like this!
The ra-ra skirt is cute! I have just rediscovered my bobbin lacemaking tools in the loft so I may get them down and see if i can remember how to make torchon lace.
I used to make lace, wonder where my bobbins have gone?. I made a mobile when I was pregnant I made lace animals in different colours, even if I say so myself it was really pretty. Let me know if you start making lace again. xx
Do like to make home made cards gift tags and personalised cakes haven’t knitted or crocheted anything for years -might have to start again
I love it, just started knitting again, making something secret for a little someone. I got back into with the help of Youtube. If you want anymore info please feel free to email & I’ll let you know. xx
Were making cards today with the flowers we crocheted -they aren’t perfect but we are getting better