Olivia’s Crochet Cardigan
Crochet is something I love doing & making things for family members are my favourite things to make. I’ve made this lovely little cardigan for Olivia, she loves cardigans, so she is super easy to make things for & I really love making things for all my grand children.
It’s a similar pattern I used to make this one a couple of years ago, but I increased the with of each section. I guessed at the section stitches & only had to undo one of the sleeves, which I’d made too big as Olivia’s arms a very thin & they looked like kimono sleeves on her.
I’ve now added a belt, just a plain cream one, as I struggled to find any buttons to tie in with the colours I’d chosen, but took this picture before hand.
The yarn I used was a double knit (DK) one, in cream & pink. The stitches used where chain, double crochet, & singles crochet to join the sides & make up the sleeves. It’s a really easy cardigan to make.
I’m thinking of making a skirt for her in the same colours, maybe more of the pink with the cream as the accent colour. It would be lovely to wear with cream tights & boots, thick enough to keep her body warm, whilst she’s out & about. I should have enough wool to complete it. I’ll let you know how it turns out.
Have you done any crafting lately? Do let us know what you’ve made if you have.
Nanna Jane
My neice has knitted a beautiful cardigan for my older neice who is expecting her first little girl in a few weeks -not as good as yours but not bad at all
Awww you will have to send me a photo Margaret I’d love to see it. Email me one if you can admin@familyclan.info. Tell her well done from me. xx J
Time to show my 17 year old neice this when she comes this afternoon
She says she wants to learn this too as she’s expecting her baby girl in October
How did you get on with the crochet?
This looks beautiful
Have been learning to crochet with my neice and following patterns
Getting better all the time
That is beautiful, such lovely colours. The only crafting I manage is card making.
I love your work; and admire you for making up new patterns. I came across this before: http://www.allfreecrochet.com/Sweaters