Big Steps For A Little Boy Something very exciting but some what upsetting happen this week. This week was one of our youngest bloggers, Jensen had his first week settling
Category: Life
Read about life and what we have been doing
Happy 7th Birthday Logan
Happy Birthday Logan We are not quite sure how this happened so quickly but today Logan is celebrating his 7th Birthday. He’s super excited with his new scooter. He couldn’t
Logans Flower Growing Experiment
Logans Flower Growing Experiment Whilst being off school, due to the CoVid-19 virus and the lock down in full swing, Logan’s been doing a small bit in science about flowers
How is Lockdown Treating You?
How is Lockdown Treating You? I have lost track of days, and we have home schooled now for so long, it seems to be a drag now and all the
Boppy The Rabbit
Boppy The Rabbit Jensen came recently to visit, and he particularly took a likening to our pet bunny Boppy! Most kids do love animals, he was a little wary at
Happy 30th Birthday Mummy H
Happy 30th Birthday Mummy H Well our little Christmas baby girl turns 30 today. We can’t believe it. She has turned out to be a lovely, positive, caring and loving
School Nativity Play Week
This week our littlest bloggers have been performing their school Nativity shows. They have all done fantastic, it must be so daunting getting up on to a stage with all
Preparing for Halloween
Preparing for Halloween This week is the school holidays, Grace and Jake have been to the shop and picked their very own pumpkin and Grace has decided to use felt-tip
Firemen paying us a visit
A few days ago Mummy E witnessed a house on fire which was right next to her house. The fire had taken place at day time, luckily no one was