Back to School with Gel-a-Peel! Jake’s History Book

Gel a Peel Back to School Making Jakes History Book Family Clan

Let’s Go Back to School with Gel-a-Peel! Making Jake’s History Book

Gel-a-Peel are great sets to have to decorate personal items and to make your very own jewellery! We have been set with the task in getting Jake back to school with Gel-a-Peel! His favourite lesson is history, so we both decided that he should make his very own history book to which he can store all the history and other interesting facts he learns along the way!

So we have jazzed up this note book to make it spectacular for the occasion!

Gel-a-Peel is aimed for ages 8+ but can be used for younger children with adult supervision. Grace is 3 and she absolutely loves using Gel-a-Peel and was eager to get it out of the box when she seen it.

Gel a Peel Back to School Making Jakes History Book Family Clan

What is in the Box?

  • 16 design templates
  • 1 gel tray which has the alphabet and shapes
  • 3 Glow in the Dark gel tubes (pink, yellow and orange)
  • 5 designer tips
  • Clear drawing sheet
  • Cleaning tool
  • Accessories for use when making earrings/bracelets

We have previously reviewed Gel-a-Peel and you can see our Pearly Pastels and Fashion Station reviews of how fabulous these products are. We really do enjoy using Gel-a-Peel as it is such great family time seeing Grace and Jake concentrating whilst they make their very own design and they are so proud of their creations when finished.
So to make the designs on our note book. We used the gel tray which has alphabetical letters and squeezed the Gel-a-Peel pen into the mould of the letters that we are wanting to use. After waiting for the gel to dry we then peeled the letters out of the mould leaving us with loose letters.
Next we placed the letters on to the front of the notebook using a little bit of the gel to act as glue to stick the letters into place on the front of the notebook.

So we now have ‘Jake’s History Book’ ready for him and his adventure into Year 2!
Gel a Peel Back to School Making Jakes History Book Family Clan

Our Thoughts

You can also create your own jewellery with these Gel-a-Peel pens, not just decorating items! You can do this free hand or by following the templates that come supplied. Teaching you how to create the perfect piece of jewellery designed by yourself! The templates are really easy to follow, just make sure you draw your lines thick enough so there wont be breaking of your jewellery.

If you happen to break a piece you have made, to repair it all you need to do is reapply gel over the broken section and wait for it to dry, simple!

Gel a Peel Back to School Making Jakes History Book Family Clan
Grace love the bracelets she designed

This set of Gel-a-Peel tubes glow in the dark, and other Gel-a-Peel sets available are neon, glitter, pearly pastel and so many more sets too. You can view them here on Amazon.

Mummy H, Jake and Grace.

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4 Thoughts to “Back to School with Gel-a-Peel! Jake’s History Book”

  1. Jo

    My kids both love anything to do with art and craft so it’s great to get ideas like this as to what I can buy for Christmas

  2. Margaret gallagher

    Looks good fun – CERTAINLY bare this in mind nearer christmas

  3. Sidrah Ahmed

    This looks like a lot of fun my kids would love this

  4. Ashleigh Allan

    My dsughter would love this. Maybe something for the Christmas list!

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