About Family Clan

About Family Clan

Family Clan is quite a unique blog in that we are a family that blogs together.

We are a large family of three generations ranging in age from 50’s to our newest member born in May 2018, living mainly in the North of England, but stretching to the Midlands, Wales & the Isle of Man.

We love having fun together, playing games, having a BBQ, cooking, doing crafts, going out for meals, weekends away, spending time together & we have a lot of Birthday parties with a lot of cake!

Nanna Jane, Mummy H and Mummy E will be the main people in charge of the blog, but all the family members will contribute in some way.

Want to know even more about us then email us at: admin@familyclan.info

33 Thoughts to “About Family Clan”

  1. adrian price

    it is an unusual blog with you all contributing –and all the better for it

  2. Jo

    Really fab website with great giveaways

  3. Alice Gilkes

    Great blog posts and giveaways. Thanks for sharing with us.

  4. Jeanette Leighton

    Great website and some fantastic Competitions thankyou

  5. susan smith

    You have a wonderful blog here, with interesting articles and ideas, its a joy to read

  6. Margaret Gallagher

    A family that blogs together stays together ! I’m a poet and didnt know it 😂😂

  7. Kelly Cooper

    Love your giveaways and like seeing your pictures on Instagram.

    1. Mummy H

      Thank you Kelly. That means alot!

  8. Jeanette Leighton

    Great giveaways, and articles, love your pictures and blog

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