Hello Everyone.
So Thursday the 10th of May I had quite a busy day, baby Jensen decided to make quite an entrance!
At around 5.30am on Thursday morning I began to get cramp-like pains constantly, went off and I managed to get another hour of sleep. By 6.30 I was back awake with my cramping getting worse, I stayed awake and put “Friends” the TV programme on and watched it in bed. 7.00am I knew Daddy S had just finished night shift and was on is way home, when he came in I told him about my pains. They were coming every 10 minutes or so, but not regular. We took Logan together to school and headed back home.
When we got home I said to Daddy S to go and get couple of hours sleep, I’ll be ok, I’ll shout if I need him. Contractions coming between 10 and 20 minutes by 11.00am I decided to take a bath. I sat in the bath for around 2hrs, tapping on the side of the bath to help distract myself as my contractions were becoming stronger. Shouting for Daddy S, he helped me out of the bath, taking one step at a time we headed to our bedroom. Laying over the bed, I told Daddy S “I needed to push”, however my waters have not broken, so I thought this couldn’t have been right. Taking each contraction at a time, my waters began trickling out.
No time to think, I went onto all fours and said again “I need to push and there is something there” he looked and said it’s just my mucous plug, and went off to call the ambulance just outside our bedroom door. One more push, baby Jensen was born onto our floor (catching his head as he fell) shouting “babies here, babies here” Daddy S turned and couldn’t believe it! There we were cuddling.
The medical professional on the phone explained what we needed check, are me and baby ok? Is baby breathing. Immediate skin to skin and wrap baby in a blanket or towel – we already did all this. She told us the ambulance will be 18 minutes away.
The rapid response car came first.
He come straight upstairs and checked to see if myself and baby were ok and he helped deliver the placenta, Daddy S cut the cord.
Getting to the hospital
We ended up staying in hospital overnight as he wasn’t feeding very well at all but luckily his body heat stayed up to its normal temperature, later on he began to take a 1oz of bottle after he just didn’t seem to take to breast.
Unfortunately Daddy S had to leave as soon as we got to the ward so Logan didn’t get to see his baby until the next day.
Logan was so exited about his new arrival he woke at 7.30am asking to come and see Jensen. He and daddy S came that morning, when Logan met his new baby brother was so cute, I was changing Jensen ready for his hospital Bounty photos and he was starting to cry as he just doesn’t like getting changed, and Logan walking in the room and says ‘Aww there there Jensen, your big brother Logan is here for you!’
We managed to get some bounty photos of my two boys together which have turned out beautiful.
Late afternoon we were allowed to leave the hospital and began our new family of four. Logan is loving having a baby brother and is constantly playing with him.
Almost a year ago
How time flies
Beautiful pic
Already planned his little tea party, getting the last things together! Crazy how he’s a year already nearly!
Congratulations, and what a handsome baby, and such a cute picture, too.
Congratulations on the birth of your baby , lovely children
Congratulations what a great story to tell and beautiful children 😍
Amazing! Congratulations to you all, and best wishes for your recovery.
Awww cuteness overload, congratulations to you all, he is tiny and so perfect xxx
congratulations on giving birth to Jenson, he looks beautiful