Jake’s Homemade Kite

Jakes Homemade Kite - Family Clan

Jake’s Homemade Kite

Jake came out of school today with a homemade kite that he made for me, so cute and even had my name on for me.

Not to forget that he had stuck a picture of an orange bike on for me seems his favourite colour is orange

It was a very windy day so he was over the moon that he got to fly it all the way home. He was so proud of his handiwork and we are so proud of him using his imagination.Jakes Homemade Kite - Family Clan
Mummy H

4 Thoughts to “Jake’s Homemade Kite”

  1. Margaret Gallagher

    Looks like fun

  2. Sarah Louise

    Ah that’s lovely. Something to keep to show him when he’s older x

  3. lovethatglowblog

    aw, very sweet, I hope he had fun making it x

  4. Margaret Clarkson

    How lovely! You must have been delighted.

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